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Ally Rose

After school I went to my house to chill with Ethan and to do homework but on the way we stopped to get glazed donuts

"Fucking loved glazed donuts" I said shoving a donut in my mouth

Ethan looks at me and licks his lips and chuckles

"You look so hot while shoving a donut in your mouth" Ethan says gripping the steering wheel tighter

I laugh and look out the window and see the people running and playing frisbee

"Baby I think I love you" Ethan said

"How?" I said letting go of his hand and crossing my arms smirking at him

"Every time you touch me in any type of way I get this spark that I don't feel when someone else touches me" Ethan said looking at me for a second

"You make me have butterflies in my stomach when you laugh..."

"The first time I looked at you we made eye contact and let me tell you... when I looked into your eyes I saw the most beautiful shade of brown"

"They sparkled against the light that lay in contrast with the rest of the surroundings making it stand out in the best possible way"

"I remember that you looked ahead looking out in the football field and I looked at you, as your lips curled into a smile gracing your cheeks"

"With soft dimples forming and as your skin crinkled up with gentle creases near your eyes. The breeze came and blew your midnight black hair"

"You smelt like lavender and it invaded my senses. I watched you as you spoke to me and all I could see was your lips moving in an animated motion"

"You talked to me but my ears failed to absorb your words cause I was captivated by the sight that was in front of me, you baby..."

"You shook your head smiling and it made my heart skip a beat..." Ethan finished making me smile and my heart beat fast

"That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me" I said

I slipped my fingers in his palm again he held my hand tight

"Right now when you slipped your fingers in my palm, believe me when I say this all I could think of was how important and how in love I am"

I smile and kiss Ethan's knuckles

"Goddamn I love you so much" I said biting my lip

"Don't bite your lip" Ethan said

"Why?" I said innocently

"There will be consequences" Ethan smirks going into my driveway

I stay quiet and take down my book bag along with the donuts

We go in and we greet my parents, offer them a donut then going upstairs

"Tell me more about yourself" I said sitting down eating a donut

"Well..." Ethan pauses and honks for a moment. I furrow my eyebrows and look at him

"Do you promise not to think about me differently..." Ethan said grabbing my hands

I felt a spark when he touched my hands

"I promise baby" I said holding his hand tighter not wanting him to let go

"I'm famous" he said slowly and quietly

I furrowed my eyebrows and laughed not believing him

"What?" He says looking in my eyes

Lavender || Ethan Dolan|✔️|Where stories live. Discover now