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Ally Rose

I've been doing online school until I get to the L.A school. It's been six days since Ethan and I have broken up and he's tried to text me but I put his texts on mute

I haven't told my mom because she knows that she will say something about Ethan that I wouldn't want to hear

"Ally" I hear my mom say quietly

"Mom" I said finishing an essay

"Why hasn't Ethan been over"

I hesitate

"We broke up" I said my lips quivering

"Oh honey I'm so sorry" she came up to me and hugged me

"Why?" She asks

Do it! It's now or never!

I would rather do it later...

"I'm moving and I won't see him at all mom..." I say tears going down my cheeks

"Tell him to come over" she says

"I can't see him anymore if not I'll just want to stay even more" I lied because I honestly just want to leave and forget about everything

"I'm so sorry honey" my mom si drubbing my back

"Mom I have to finish school so.." I said indicating for her to leave

"Ok honey" she says going out the door and closing it

I go into Ethan's texts and read them


Ally can I just please just explain myself... I'm sorry... I'll tell you everything.

I understand if you lost all your respect towards me Ally... I'm sorry baby

Meet me in the abandoned fair

I have to tell him that I'm leaving in one day...

I do my hair again and put on my adidas leggings, adidas shirt, and Nike roshes. I then spray some Lavender in my room because I haven't done that in a while

"Mom I'm going to be going around the town I'll be back soon" I said

"Ok honey be safe" i hear my mom at before I go out and going into my car

I drive to the abandoned fair and I immediately see Ethan there standing against his car his arms crossed. I park and I get out. I walk over to him and stand there

"Hey Lavender" Ethan said pain in his voice

"Hi Ethan" I said

"I'll give you as much as you want to explain because I have something to tell you too" I said quietly

"Well Moana wanted me to have sex with her the first day that she went to school and I of course denied because I was with you" Ethan said looking at me straight in the eyes

"Then she kept on begging and begging until one day I don't know what she did but I had sex with her... I felt so bad and I told her to never talk to me again but..." he pauses

"She told me that she would tell you that I cheated on her because one you are her best friend and two she also video taped it..."

"I didn't tell Grayson the day that you went and Moana never told Grayson either... I felt so bad Ally I've never felt this way for someone" Ethan said tears brimming his eyes

"I love you Lavender. I love you so fucking much and I regret it so much baby I do. I'm disgusted in myself for doing that! I just don't want you to leave me know because I don't know what I would do" Ethan said crying know. A few tears went down my face

"Ethan I believe you" I said going up to him and hugging him crying into him

"I have to tell you something Ethan that I fucking don't want to do but I have to" I said

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears

"I'm moving" I said quietly

"What?" Ethan said standing up straight

"Ally Paine Rose say it while looking at me in my eyes" Ethan said grabbing my face carefully and tilting it upwards so he can look in my eyes

"I'm moving e" I said crying

"No you can't be moving Ally!" Ethan yells hugging me tightly

"Ethan I'm sorry" I cried into his chest

"Baby no" Ethan cried hugging me tighter

I cried even harder at the thought of not seeing him again

We stayed there for a bit longer until we decided to go to my house and stay there for a bit

"Mom Ethan's here" I said weakly

"Hey Ethan" my mom said

She frowns when she sees that Ethan has been crying

"I'm sorry Ethan" my mom said pulling him into a hug

We stay the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling. Ethan kissed me every time he wanted to because he knew that it would be his last kisses

His phone started to ring

"Mom I'm staying over at Ally's house... Yes we talked and worked it out... I'll see you tomorrow love ya bye" Ethan said

"I'm tired E" I said stretching

"Go to sleep baby I'll be here when you wake up" Ethan said

Ally's Mom/ Cara Paine

We have no furniture left in our house and I decided to tell Ally that she needed to put her suitcases with clothes downstairs.

We are going in car all the way to Los Angeles California

I walk upstairs to tell Ally to give me her suitcases but when I open the door I see her and Ethan cuddling while the t.v was turned on

I look at how Ethan was holding Ally. This is the last one that they will see each other...

I shut the door walking downstairs to do my work...


Read next chapters authors note please!!

Next will be the epilogue!

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