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Ally Rose

"Rose wake up" I hear some say

I rub my eyes and stretch. I see that it's Grayson and I smile. He smiles back and I sit up.

"Hmm" I hum

"It's 8 but I think your dad wants you to leave because you phone was buzzing and it was your dad..." Grayson said

"He said that you need to be home before 9:30 or you'll be grounded" I furrow my eyebrows and nod while yawning

I get up and see that Ethan was cuddled onto me so when I get out out his grip he groans. I hug Grayson goodbye and I go to my house

"I'm home" I said going into the kitchen where they were

"Hey honey how was yesterday?" My mom asks

"Good. We did the project and now we will wait to present it on next Monday" i said

"That's good. I'm surprised that your dad let you sleep over" My mom said giving me oatmeal with milk, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.

I nod

"I am too. I mean it's a boys house..." I said while eating my warm oatmeal

"Did you guys have sex? If you did I'm going to ground you and oh if your pregna-" I stop my mom

"No mom we didn't! I don't even know him that well and I'm to young" I said

It's true. I've never had sex. My parents only let people stay over and they are girls only. I've kissed and that's it nothing further than that

When I'm finished eating I put the bowl and spoon in the sink and go upstairs. I go onto my phone and watch Netflix. I saw Tangled and after that I just went on Instagram and scrolled  through the feed. I have 1,369 followers on Instagram  and on Snapchat I had 33,478. It's mostly from my other schools that I went to.

People text me and all but I'm not good friends with them anymore. We are friends but not as good friends as we were if that makes sense.

I get up and decide to just cruise around for a bit. I changed into my adidas leggings with a black shirt and Adidas tennis shoes. I brush my hair and leave it down and put on an adidas hat on.

Adidas everything.

I take a picture and post it on Snapchat. People text me if I want to start streaks and I text back a picture indicating that I'll start a streak with them.

I then go downstairs and I stay quiet to hear if my parents and Lilly were gone and to my luck they were!

I get my keys and go to the car. I get in and I start to drive to the beach which Is about an hour or so away.

On a red stop light I quickly connect my phone and put music

Party Monster By The Weekend came on and I start to tap my hand on the steering wheel to the beat. I sing out loud and listen to some more songs.

When I get there I grab my phone and keys. I go and I feel my shoes touch the sand. I go to the edge of the water carefully trying not to get sand in my shoes. I go down all the way to the other side of the beach then I go back. I go up to my car again and I drive back to the house

It was 7:37 pm... Did I last that long walking and sitting down? Well, the ocean is beautiful so I guess that it's fine

By the time I get to the house it's 8:41 pm. I see that my mom and dads cars are there and Lilly's bike was in the garage

"Hey guys!" I said taking my shoes off and putting the keys on the counter near the door. I walked to the kitchen and saw my mom hugging my dad while smiling

The wine was out and the 1960's music was playing. I smile as they dance and laugh

"So love birds. Have fun today at work?" I said as I get a plate and serve myself some spaghetti from today I'm guessing

"It was hard but fun I guess" my mom said drinking more wine

She was wine drunk and so was my dad

"Working as a nurse and working at the Mercedes company. It's a pretty hard job" my mom said as she sits down with my dad leaning on him

"Well I'm going to sleep because I'm tired" I said yawning

"Goodnight honey" they said

"Goodnight guys" I said going up the stairs

When I get into my room I see Ethan in his room. I go out into the balcony and I throw a rock that was in the balcony to his

I see him get up and open the door

"Hey stranger" I said while smiling

"Hey Alls" Ethan said while chuckling slightly

"So why haven't you texted me?" Ethan asks throwing the rock back making it hit my arm

"Fuck you" I said rubbing my left arm right above my wrist

"I'll fuck you at any time" Ethan said leaning against the balcony. I blush and look down

"I won't fuck you until I actually get to know you well" I said

"May I ask why on the first day you came to the school you said so much profanity and now when I say bad words or sexual comments you get all.I don't know, flustered?" Ethan said

I could slightly see him raising his left eyebrow

"I don't want more bad words in my life I guess" I said shrugging

"Tell me, have you ever had sex?" Ethan asks. I look behind me and look back at him

"Can we talk outside?" I ask

"Alrighty" Ethan said going into his room

I go into mine closing the balcony door and closing the curtains. I go downstairs quietly and see my parents on the couch passed out.

I go outside and see Ethan coming into my driveway

"So have you ever had sex?" Ethan asks

"No..." I said looking down

"It's fine baby girl... I won't have sex with you until you want to" Ethan said. I smile and look back up at him. He looks at me and hugs me, I hug back and put my head on his chest.

I could hear his heart beating and I close my eyes.

"Is it ok if I call you Lavender or Lav?" Ethan asks

"Why?" I said

"Because you smell like lavender and I like it" Ethan said

"Ok" I said smiling widely

Lavender || Ethan Dolan|✔️|Where stories live. Discover now