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Ally Rose

The rest of the week went by fast. I found out that the twins live next to me and that spring break was the next week after I transferred schools and know I have a week to kill

I wake up and do my morning routine. I don't change clothes instead I stay in my black sweatshirt.

Lilly went out to Starbucks with this new guy she met and my parents are working so I'm home alone

"Sex by the fire at night" I start to sing

"That's an old ass song"

I jump and turn around to see Ethan

"How the hell did you get in here!?" I said

"Your sister let me in. And I would mind having sex by the fire at night actually but it'll get sandy" he said getting up and coming up to me

"What do you want Ethan" I said

"I want you but you keep on denying me" Ethan said sitting down in a kitchen chair

"I don't want to have sex with you because you are just going to have sex with me, enjoy it, and then throw me like I'm a rag doll! You won't even care about me!" I said

"You only have sex because you want it and because your ex fucking cheated on you!" I said

I shut my mouth right away.. I messed up..

"What did you su to me?" Ethan said getting up

"I'm sorry Ethan" I said

He comes up to me and picks me up putting me on the cold granite counter

"Ethan don't" I said

"Fine. Let's start off as friends and whoever falls for each other first is having sex. So it's a win win" Ethan said

"I'm not going to fall for you Ethan. I don't want-" I stop myself

"You don't want to what" Ethan said

"If I can get a kiss then it'll be fine for me. I promise I won't ignore you baby girl" Ethan said

I look at him in the eyes and he stares into mine

"Fine. Just don't touch my boobs" I said

He chuckles

"What made you think that I'll touch your boobs" Ethan said

"I don't know... When you kiss your hands might travel u-" he cuts me off by kissing me and it felt so different than any other kisses I've had..

I kiss back and my hands go up to his jaw and his go around my waist. We make out and I pull back putting our foreheads together

"Friends only" I said

"Friends only" he repeats kissing me hard making my lips probably swell up

He hugs me and puts his head on the crook of my neck

"When can we hangout" I said

"I don't know. Whenever" he says sending chills down my spine

"Ethan... If you hurt me I won't forgive you" I said as I hugged him

"I wouldn't forgive myself for hurting you" Ethan said

"Can we go upstairs and see a movie?" Ethan asks getting up from his original position that he was in

"Sure" I said getting off the counter

I lead him upstairs and into my room. I sit on my messy bed and I see him stand there awkwardly

"You can sit down here" I said patting the spot next to me. He takes off his shoes and sits next to me getting comfy

"Can you tell me about your girlfriend?" I asked as I put Netflix on the tv

"Just don't judge me ok" Ethan said

"I won't" I said as I look through all the movies there is

"Well.. Grayson and I are inseparable and we both had girlfriends. Grayson had Alyssa and I had Meredith. I suppose you've already met them right?" Ethan said

"I've met them" I said looking at my hand that was cut

"Well they ended up cheating on us. Grayson wasn't affected because he already knew that she never liked him so he didn't like her"

"But I actually like Meredith a lot but she decided to cheat on me with another jock..." Ethan said looking up at the ceiling and looking at the little stars that I put up there

"I actually loved her Ally! All along she was just cheating on me with another guy!?" Ethan said tears beg to come out his eyes

"E.. Don't cry she's stupid for losing someone worth fighting for" I said as I wipe away a tear of his

He comes closer to me and hugs me crying. I hug him back and rub his back

"Don't cry over someone who hurt you" I whisper

I never bought that I would see this side of Ethan.. Ever...

We watch a movie and then I hear a door close and voices

Mom and dad

"Act like we are doing homework!?" I whisper getting off the bed and opening my binder to some homework

"Ally who's jacket is on the counter" I hear my dad yell

"Umm my friend is over" I yell back

I hear footsteps come closer and closer then the door opens. My dad looks at me then Ethan

"What is he here for?" My dad asks

"We are doing homework" I said putting the paper up so he could see

He nods and looks at Ethan

"What's your name? Do I know your parents? Are you dating my daughter? Hav-" I cut him off

"Dad" I said

"Hi sir my name is Ethan Dolan. I'm your neighbor from that house. My mom and dad came over to welcome you a few days ago" Ethan said

"Their names are Lisa and Sean Dolan and no sir I'm not dating your daughter. We are just friends" Ethan said while giving me a smile

My dad nods surprised that Ethan actually introduced himself well and didn't stutter like other boys did when they met my dad because he was intimidating to them

"Ok get back what you guys were doing" my dad said

I nod

I lay on the floor watching the tv and Ethan comes and lays next to me. I feel him looking at me so I look at him and smile while giggling

"What?" I ask as I lay on my side now putting my arm underneath me

"Can you kiss me?" Ethan said and looks into my eyes

I shake my head no and he does the puppy face. I go close to him and kiss his neck instead not giving him hickeys but just kissing him

He laughs as I tickle him slightly

Then I feel his lips on mine. I wish that what we have right now is something that can last

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