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Ally Rose

I wake up from my alarm going off. I turn it off and go into the bathroom. I do my morning routine then go into the closet picking out a black body suit, light jeans, all black Nike roshes, and I put my hair down.

I smile as I go outside. It's a little chilly...

I put on a cardigan and go downstairs

"Morning" I said getting an apple

"Good morning honey. Can I talk to you while Ethan gets here? I suppose he'll pick you up, right? My mom said

"Yea he'll pick me up" I said slowly

"What's up?" I said sitting down and biting my apple

"Well tell us what happened last night" my dad said

"Well..." I started. I was really nervous about what I was about to tell them

"We went to this place where I learned that he goes to clam down and to be alone... I was the first person to go, and not even his twin brother has gone"

"Well anyways, We went onto play of this place and I saw the city. It was beautiful"

"Ethan than said that we should climb down because he needed to tell me something... I got really nervous but he did that he wanted to sate me" I said blushing at the fact that Ethan is now mine

"Well what did you say?" My mom said excited

"I said yes of course"

"Well that doesn't mean that you'll not come home in time" my dad said

"Honey that is amazing! I'm so happy for you!" My mom says ignoring the unnecessary comment my dad made

My mom eyed my dad and my dad rolls his eyes playfully and looks at me

"I'm happy for you too darling" my dad said smiling slightly

The doorbell rings and I get up grabbing my book bag

"Ethan giving me a ride home probably... bye guys!" I said

I went out the door and I could hear my mom and dad yell a 'goodbye'

I look at Ethan and give him a kiss

"Why so sexy?" Ethan said smiling

"Just tying to dress nice for my boyfriend" I said smiling

"You look beautiful even if you are wearing a long dress that you think is ugly and tooooo long for you" Ethan said

I smile and 'aww'

"Thank you baby" I said

We drive to the school when we get out I see Grayson and his group of friends. Grayson smiles at me while looking at me and Ethan's hands

He looks at me in the eyes and raises his eyebrows. I nod knowing what he was saying

"WOOO!" He yells out

I blush and look at Ethan

"I haven't seen him this excited before" I said while squeezing Ethan's hand

"Yea... He's happy that me and you are dating" Ethan said giving me a smile

People look at me and Ethan's hands and whisper. The hallways get quiet. Ethan looks around and shrugs taking me to my locker

I look at Ethan with a confused face. He smiles at me and I put my stuff in my locker. The hallways get loud again. Ethan looks at me in my eyes and grabs my cheeks and kisses me on the lips pulling me close to him

The hallway gets quiet again

"I love you babe" Ethan whispers

Everyone was staring and I blush

"I love you too" I said giving him a smile

I see Meredith and her minions coming our way and the hallway got loud again. I squeeze Ethan's hand

"Well well well"

"Look who it is. It's this attention seeker whore" Meredith said

Her 'friends' laugh and the hallway gets quiet again

"I'm not a mirror Meredith. Look at what you're wearing. Booty shorts and a crop top that's showing you're fake boobs" I said

She scoffs and a lot of people form around us

"At least I'm not with the boy who fucked every girl and probably has an STD" Meredith said

"He doesn't have STD's and if he did he probably got it form your dirty ass" I said pushing through her making her stumble back

The hallway laughs and yells

I roll my eyes and go to my class

"Bye baby I'll see you after this period" Ethan did

"Ok bye babe" I said kissing him

"Oh and good job on roasting her" Ethan winks before leaving

I smile and go into the classroom sitting in my usual seat. Grayson comes and sits next to me before Jack does

"I don't want jack near you ok" Grayson said quietly looking back to see if he was coming

I bite my lip and look at Grayson

"Fine" I said

I look up at the board to see what it says today

-Get out homework
-Do the math problems in page 234 (21 questions)
-When done get the three sheets of homework you have
-Do pages 236-239 for homework also

I do what the board says. It takes me 20 minutes to do the problems in the math book. I get up and get the homework sheets for me and Grayson because he copies my work because he's lazy

Grayson is really smart he just doesn't do his homework or class work

After I'm done with the three pages I move on to the last part of the homework. By know people get the homework sheets

The bell rings when I'm done with my last question of the book

I smile at the thought of not having math homework tonight

I get my stuff and hug Grayson goodbye even thought I'll see him after English. I walk into English and see Ethan sitting down on his phone

I sit next to him and kiss him on the cheek

"You scared me baby" Ethan said

I laugh and the bell rings. The teacher comes in and I see that he has my favorite type of donut glazed

I groan because I wanted that donut badly. I look down and then looked back up to see him eating it

I stuck it my bottom lip

This is torture


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