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Ally Rose

I hear my alarm and I press the off button. I get up stretch then go into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face then I put on mascara and eyeliner.

I put on black jeans and a navy green sweatshirt. I brush my hair, get my stuff and go downstairs. I get the keys and I decide to walk.

"I'm walking to school! I'll text you later!" I yell

"Ok honey bye!" My mom said

I shut the door and lock it. I walk down and I hear a car behind me then it stops next to me

"Hey Rose want a ride?" Grayson

"Sure Dolan" I said getting in the back seat since Ethan was in the front seat

"Hey Ally" Ethan said

"Hey Ethan" I said gong onto my phone

"Ok do you know the whole entire school and shit right?" Grayson said

"Yup" I said turning off my phone and tuning off my phone

"So where were you yesterday durning all the classes I had with you Ethan?" I ask

"I was studying" Ethan said

"Studying in having sex or some shit?" I said

"Shut up" Ethan said clenching his jaw

"I'm aight" I said sitting in the middle seat

"So Grayson you have a girlfriend?" I ask

"Nah... I don't really want to because being single is amazing to be honest" he says glancing at me then back at the rode

"Same" I said

We arrive to the school and we go our own ways. I put my stuff into my locker and go into first period

I sit next to Grayson and he smiles

"So I don't tell the teacher who I am and if I'm new right?" I ask

"Yup because then she'll embarras you" Grayson says slouching down in his chair. I do the same but remember to sit up because my dad told me to always be proper

Second Period

I sit down way in the back and wait for the teacher to come in. I see Ethan come in and he sits next to me

"Hey babe" Ethan said looking at me

"Hey Ethan... I'm not your babe so I would rather you call me Ally" I said giving him a smile

"Oh well that sucks because I like calling you babe" he said sticking his bottom lip out

"I'll call you fuckboy Ethan from now on" I said doing the same as him and sitting so that I was facing the front


I go into the locker rooms and change into Adidas sweatpants and a Adidas shirt with of course my Nike roshes. You have to admit that you've worn adidas and Nike at the same time

I go out and I sit down on the bleachers. I see a group of girls with booty shorts and pink shirts. Grayson comes up to me and puts his arm around my shoulder

"They are the popular girls... They will try and get you into their group so don't accept it ok.." Grayson said

"I wouldn't of accepted anyways because I don't like popular girls" I said

The girls come up to us and I see a girl in the front of the group walking like she was the bitch of the 'pack'

She had blonde hair and big ass lips

"Hi newbie! I'm Meredith Mickelson and these are my friends. Alyssa, Vanessa, and Levi" she says twirling a price of her hair

"Hey.. I would like for you to call me Ally" I said smiling

"Well Ally. I see you have a boyfriend.. Grayson? I'm surprised you're not with Ethan. He's a sweetheart" Meredith says

"Grayson isn't my boyfriend he's my best friend and Ethan he's nice" I said nodding

"Yea well you want to join our group and watch the football players play football?" Meredith said. Her voice was annoying

"Nah I'm fine I would rather be active than sitting there doing nothing" I said getting up and going outside to run

"Damn Rose you got some comebacks" Grayson said smirking

"Yup it runs in the family" I said

"Wanna run with me?" I ask

"Sure" he says

I run five laps around the football field and I come to a stop when Grayson falls to his knees tired

"Drama queen much?" I said going back to him and sitting down on the grass

"Holy shit you run a lot" Grayson said out of breath

"Yea.. Once again it runs in the family" I said winking

"Oh my gosh" Grayson says getting the joke I said

I go into the locker room and don't change I put my stuff in my gym bag and go to my locker to get my stuff

I feel the locker slam onto my hand and I scream in pain. I turn around and see Meredith and her minions

"You shouldn't of done that" Meredith says

"Done what?!" I said rubbing my hand

"You shouldn't of run away from us and now we get payback" Alyssa says sassily

"Ok. You and your little minions should get out of my way before I get angry" I said

"Aww is little newbie getting angry?" Meredith teases

I put my right hand into a fist

"Oh look she's turning red" Alyssa said giggling

"Why do you guys enjoy torturing other people!?" I said

"That's going to get you no where in life" I said getting my book bag from off the floor and shoving past Meredith making her jerk back

"Bitch" I said

I go outside and see my dad

"What happened to your hand Ally?" My dad said grabbing it carefully and examining it

"I slammed my hand into a locker" I said

He looks at me in the eyes and I stare back because if I don't then he'll know I'm lying

"Ok lets go" My dad says

I get into the car and we drive home

I spend the rest of the day eating and doing homework •Me everyday lol•

I do my nighttime routine and then fall asleep while scrolling through old pictures on my phone


Instead of the book name fuckboy I'm changing it to Lavender and it'll make sense later on in the book ;)

Lavender || Ethan Dolan|✔️|Where stories live. Discover now