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Ally Rose

I get up from my bed and stretch then do my morning routine. After that I go back into my room and text Ethan


Hey Ethan :)))))

Hey Allyyyy :))))))

Whatcha doing today?

Nothing wanna hangout? Gray said he wants to hangout with you too

Yes please we all need to hangout

Ok I'll see you in about an hour <3

Ok ethannnnnn <3

I go downstairs and see my dad but not my mom. This is going to be easy I guess...

"Dad can I hangout with Ethan and Grayson?" I ask fiddling with my fingers

"Ethan is the guy next door right?" My dad said looking up from his computer. I nod

"Who's Grayson?" He asks

"He is his twin" I said

"You can go just text me if you are going to be coming home late" he said going back to typing

I nod and go upstairs to get ready

It's weird that he let me hangout with two guys... The last time I did he made me not get out of my room only to go to school and back and to eat in the the house which was torture

After I was done I went downstairs and told my dad I would be gone until 10

It's 11:35 am so we have a lot of time to be together

As I walk over to their house I see how pretty it was. The tree and how nicely decorated it was. I knock on the door and Ethan opens

"Hey Ethan" I said giving him a hug

"Hey Ally" Ethan said giving me a hug back. We go upstairs into Grayson's room where he lay with a trash can beside him

"What's wrong with Grayson?" I said as I go up to him sitting down next to him and rubbing his back

"He ate something yesterday and I guess it didn't do well on him and now he's been throwing up..." Ethan said

"Oh.. poor Grayson" I said

"I want to feel cold it's so hot in here" Grayson said while pouting

"Wanna go to the living room?" I ask getting up knowing his answer

Grayson nods and I go next to him and help him up

He gets his phone and goes downstairs

"Ethan can I talk to you?" I ask

"Sure" he says looking at Grayson. Grayson nods

When Grayson goes downstairs and turns in the tv. I look at Ethan and smile

"Can you promise me one thing though?" I said fiddling with my fingers

"Can you not have sex with anyone so I can actually know the real Ethan? And if anyone asks you say no.." I said quietly looking down

"I know Ally. I won't because now my eyes are just on you" Ethan said walking out the door

I smile slightly and then go downstairs into the kitchen. I go into the cabinets to see if they had something to give to Grayson. I find what I was looking for and put it in water to dissolve

"Gray it might taste terrible but trust me it'll make you feel better" I said

He nods and takes a drink

"This tastes disgusting" Grayson said making a pouty face

"Trust me on this. I have a mom that's a nurse" I said while raising my left eyebrow. He drinks it all and lays back down.

"I feel bad for you Grayson... You won't be able to hangout" I said playing with his hair that was incredibly soft

"You guys can go I'm fine here playing video games" Grayson said as he got the controller from beside him

"Alright I guess" Ethan said

"We will be back in a little bit. We'll bring you food when we are done eating" I said

"Ok" Grayson said

I hug him and he coughs on me

"I'm going to get you sick probably" Grayson said

"It's ok I'm here for you when you need me" I said giving him a reassuring smile

"Ok well bye guys" Grayson said

"Bye" we say going out of the house

"He wants to jack off probably" Ethan said making me laugh

We go around New Jersey but it wasn't really much to explore but we ate pizza and dropped Grayson a box of pizza then we went to a hill and looked up at the stars because that my favorite thing to do

"This is so cliché" Ethan says as he looks at me laughing slightly

"Yea but it's beautiful to see the stars and how pretty it is" I said

"Can I tell you something weird?" Ethan asks

"What is it?" I ask

"You smell like lavender and I love it" Ethan said while looking at me

I look back and laugh a little

"What?" Ethan said smiling

"You're just telling me it with a straight face" I said

He laughs and then he starts to tickle me and I laugh hard

"Stop!" I scream while laughing. He stops and I lay I too of him now. He pulls me down more and hugs me and I hug back.

I felt him breath deeply in through his nose and it tickled my neck a little. I giggle and I then felt him rub my back making me want to go to sleep.

"Can you sleepover? Text your dad that your going to stay over to do a project" Ethan said putting his arms around my waist

"I'll see" I said

I get up and get my phone


Can I stay over at Ethan's to do a big project? I promise you we will sleep in separate rooms. He has a lot of separate rooms...

What project is it? Don't they have a sister? You can sleep with her and you need to come home first thing in the morning.

Thanks dad. Tell mom and Lilly I said goodnight. Thanks once again dad I love you goodnight and I'll see you tomorrow.

I furrow my eyebrows surprised that my dad let me stay over. I put on lavender chapstick

"My dad said yes" I said

"Can I just do something real quick?" Ethan said. I sat down next to him and nodded

He pats his lap and I sit on him. He looks at me and kisses me. I close my eyes and kiss him back. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer. After a few more seconds I pull back

"Ethan... I thought we were into friends" I said our foreheads together

"Friends can have a little fun right?" Ethan said putting his lips back on mine. I kiss back and his hands go up and down my back. I bite his lip lightly and pull back rolling over and laying on the floor

"It's spring break now and that means that I'll spend my whole entire week with you" Ethan said while smirking

"I'm not having sex with you" I said while looking back up at the sky

"I know but trust me you'll want to... You'll crave me baby" Ethan said

I roll my eyes playfully and we talk about life

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