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Ally Rose

Great it's the beginning of a new school year. Ethan slept over because he wanted to just be away from his parents for a little bit since they were telling him that he needed to go to California to earn money with Grayson

"Baby wake up its time for school" I said as I sit up rubbing my eyes and stretching

"No i don't want to" Ethan said pulling me close to him

His fucking morning voice turns me on

"Ethan come on.. We have to" I say yawning

"Fine" Ethan said getting up and going to the bathroom

I go inside the bathroom as well and brush my teeth. After that Ethan kisses me hard and his hands travel down my body down to my butt making me jump a little

I moan as he goes down to my neck and slightly sucks on it but not hard enough to make a hickey

"Baby Ethan can we do this after school?" I say as my hands go up to his face

"Fine baby girl but I want you so bad it's going to be hard" Ethan said kissing me again then he takes of his pants and changes

I changed into some jeans, a black t shirt, and some black and white roshes. I feel Ethan's hug me from behind. His arms wrap around my lower abdomen and I smile

"Lets go" I said leading him downstairs

"Good morning mom and dad" I said as I eat the waffle from the plate of waffles

"Good morning Ethan and Ally" they say

"Ally me and your dad and sister will be going to Los Angeles for a week to pick up something from your dads" my mom said

"Why is Lilly going?" I ask as I hold Ethan's hand under the table

"Because she wanted to see her friends and because she's out of school" my dad said

I groan and get up putting my plate in the sink

"She gets to go! She's doing nothing with her life mom! I'm actually doing something! I'm actually going to be doing something!" I yell

"I deserve to go! I need to at least go and see how my friends are doing! Lilly is just going to have sex with her ex boyfriend!" I said getting my book bag and going out he door

"Ally Rose!" I hear my dad yell

I see him go out the door and Ethan comes out the door and I see him go into the drivers seat

"Ally baby come here look at me" Ethan says grabbing my face and starting the car with his left hand

"I fucking hate them for doing this shit" I cry

Ethan turns the car on and drive off. He's not driving to school but to no where. I furrow my eyebrows and sniffle

"Where are we going" I ask

"We can miss the first day of school. I'm taking you somewhere" Ethan said

"Ok" I say grabbing his right hand and intertwining it with mine

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