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Ally Rose

It was so beautiful... I had no words

"Ethan what-" I couldn't say anything

The place was torn down and was an amusement park but there was flowers all around it and it seemed so alive, but it wasn't

"This is a place where I come and calm myself down... I get anxiety sometimes and I'm stressed so I just come here and relax" Ethan said grabbing my hand and walking down to the entrance

"There is the Ferris Wheel where I climb up to see the city lights. Over there is a mirror maze. Oh and over here is where I listen to music and chill while looking up at the stars" he said pointing out different things

This place smelt like roses and lavender and I loved it

"Roses are so cliché and basic" I said as I grabbed one and smelt it

"That's another reason why I don't call you rose" Ethan said

"First is because it's so cliché. Second of all is because you smell like Lavender and not roses. Third of all is because it's your last name, Rose"

"Wow well I might steal some of this Lavender and put it in my room" I said while smiling

"Go ahead" Ethan said doing hand motions to go and pick up the herb

I smile and hug Ethan

"Until we leave" I said grabbing his hand. We walked to the ferries wheel and Ethan started to climb up it I join him and as I go up it Ethan takes my hand

"This is just beautiful" I said as I look out at the city which was illuminated by the lights of people houses and other places

"I know. Isn't it just calming?" Ethan said bringing me close to him

"Yea" I said as I put my feet over the seat leaning onto Ethan

"Oh and there is something I need to ask you" Ethan said all of a sudden in a serious tone

I get goosebumps and I sit straight and look at Ethan

"W-What is it?" I said stuttering

Don't stutter stupid!

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend" Ethan said fiddling with his fingers

"W-What?" I said biting my lip

"I- Look Ally since the day I met you I couldn't get my eyes off of you. I was being a jerk but now I realized that you are worth it"

"I'm in love with you" Ethan said grabbing my hands

I stay silent in shock... He sighs

"It's fine if you don't feel the same wa-"

I cut him off by kissing him and getting on him. He kisses me back putting his arms around me pulling me closer to him. I then pull back to get a deep breath

"Now I can call you any name I want" Ethan said pulling me close to him so that I'm hugging him

"Like what?" I ask curious to know what we would call me

"Like queen, Lavender, baby, babe, angel, princess, beautiful, gorgeous, pretty girl" he trailed off kissing my neck. It was just kisses and he knew if I go a hickey my dad would kill me

"I'll call you a lot of things too" I whisper

"Like what?" He says grabbing onto my ass

"Baby, babes, bubby, babe, love, king, prince, and well..." I said looking into my eyes

Lavender || Ethan Dolan|✔️|Where stories live. Discover now