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Ally Rose

It's Monday and that means waking up early again and dressing up nice to go to school. I press the snooze button and turn off the clock. I go into the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. I then brush my hair.

I will have to thank my mom for having long and straight hair. My hair is up to my butt almost and my hair is a dirty blonde.

I put on jeans and a black shirt. I then do my makeup that consists of mascara and concealer for the bags under my eyes. I do my eyeliner next and I put in my socks.

I choose my black Nike roshes and go downstairs. I see my dad downstairs ready to go

"You're taking me?" I said getting a banana

"Yup and you're going to deal with it" he said getting the keys

"Ughhh" I said going to the car with my backpack

When we get there I see people in groups. The jocks, nerds, popular girls, emo, light skinned, dark skinned and so many other groups. I see someone wave at me and I shoot them a smile and look forward

"Hello how may I help you?" The lady in the front desk says to my dad

"Hi I'm Jack Paine and this is my fighter Ally Paine Rose and she is new to this school" he said while giving me a smile

"Transfer?" She asks

My dad nods and she types away in her computer

"You will need to sign these papers... and you miss ally will need to sign under your dads signature" she says while smiling

I smile back and I sign under my dads signature. I hand her the papers and pen and she gives me three papers

"The first page is your schedule. The second is information about your electives. Last but not least the third page is about the school" she said smiling

"Thank you" I said

"Welcome to your new school" she said

I smile

"We will get you someone to give you a tour around the school and then you can go into your classes" she says

"Ok thanks" I said

"Bye Ally" my dad said

"Bye dad" I said while waving at him

I sit down and look at my schedule

Start of school- 8:00 am
Free Class (30 minutes)
Social Studies
Gym/ Art (2 times a week each)
End of school- 3:30 pm

I sit there reading the information for a little then I go on my phone and see that I have a text from Lilly


How's school hoe?

I'm sitting in the office while hearing teachers gossip :/

Sucks.. I'm over here playing the XBox

Lucky :( What game?

Mario cart so I'm going to text you later bye bitch

Have fun hoe

After what feels like an eternity I hear footsteps and I see a tall boy with black adidas sweatpants and a black shirt. His hair was to the side messy but cute.

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