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Ally Rose
Day Before School Ends

"It's awards day" i said to Ethan kissing him in the cheek

Me and Ethan have been dating since April the May 3 and its June 8. So technically a month

"Yup and I am not ready" Ethan said grabbing my hand as we walked into school

I wore a white tight dress from the vans store and a jean jacket over it with some black flats on

Ethan wore a nude colored sweatshirt, black skinny jeans and black boots

We walked in and sat down and waited to be called

"Ethan Dolan who went form really bad grades to good grades and for once didn't skip school for the last bit" the principal said making me and all the people laugh. Ethan got up with a red face and got his things

"Grayson Dolan who went from straight B'a to straight A's and didn't skip school the last bit" people laughed and I smiled as Grayson got up to get his things

"Ally Paine is a girl who got straight A's and never missed a day" the principal announced

I got up and smiled getting my things. I look out to see my parents and sister. I smile and go back to my seat. I grab Ethan's hand and smile at him pecking his lips

I hear the door open and shut. I don't look back  I just thought someone came in late

After the ceremony we went to greet our parents and I hugged them. We took pictures and my dad smiled and looked at me

"What?" I said furrowing my eyebrows and doing a double chin

"She did the Ally face!" Lilly said coming up to me and punching me hard 

"Ow!" I said pushing her back and hugging her tightly

"Let me go you freak" Lilly says trying to push me off of her

"Fine" I puffed going next to Ethan and Grayson

The Dolan family was all there and I smiled as they took pictures together. Our family was about to take pictures and I frown

"Why the frown?" My dad asks

"Jen isn't here" I said

I miss my sister so much you can't even imagine

"It's ok she'll be here" my dad said smiling

I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head. We take pictures and I feel someone put there arm around me

I look next to me thinking it was Ethan but it was Jennifer

"Oh my gosh!" I scream hugging her

"Hey smalls" my sister said hugging me back tightly. I cry and smile. I'm so happy that she's here

"Where's Lilly?" Jennifer asks

"She went to he bathroom. Does she know you're here?" I say wiping my tears

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