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Ally Rose

Me and Ethan were outside while looking up at the stars.

"So Ethan what's your favorite color?" I ask

"Mine is blue or purple" Ethan said

"Is that why your hair is purple?" I ask as I look at his strand of purple hair

"Yea. It was blue but I decided to change it up ya know?" Ethan said

"Yea" I said

"What's yours?" Ethan said

"Mine is black or Lavender color" I said as I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear

"I think Lavender color suits you the best" Ethan said as he opened his arms to let me go in them

I go in them and I felt warm and safe almost. I wrap my right arm over him and put my leg in the middle of his

"We are not in a bed Lav... but you sure do make it feel like we are" Ethan said

I smile and kiss his cheek

"I'm sorry Lavender but if you would let me touch you I would cherish you so much" Ethan whispers

"I would kiss you hard and go down to your neck and give you love bites then go down more and kiss down to your stomach"

"Then I would take your panties off and I would eat you out until you can't take it any longer leaving me with your amazing tasting juices that I would devour" he said. He whispers all of this into my ear making me weak

I look at him and see his eyes look at my lips then at me

"Then do it" I whisper

He grabs me by my waist pulling me close up to him and kisses me hard and his hand goes and grabs my ass and lightly squeezes it making me put my hands in his hair. I could see that he had a boner

I kiss him back and we soon start to make out. I'm on top of him while I kiss him. I look at him and see that his head goes back since I was putting slightly pressure and rubbing against him

I start to grind on him and he moans quietly

And let me tell you that those moans were hot

Ethan grabs my ass as starts to make me go at a speed that he likes. I moan and go down to kiss Ethan. It felt amazing and I felt my stomach grow a knot

"Oh fuck" Ethan moans out quietly

"Ethan I'm about to-" Ethan cuts me off slightly and kisses me

I felt pleasure and I moan out as I cum. Ethan takes me off him and kisses me hard

"You didn't even get to" I said furrowing my eyebrows

"I'm just pleasuring my Lavender" Ethan whispers

"Wanna go up to my room?" Ethan said

I nod but then remember my parents

"My parents e.. Can you stay over?" I ask

"Yea" Ethan said

I could clearly see his boner still and I blush slightly. We go into the house quietly and go into my room. I close and lock the door. Ethan takes off his shoes and goes onto my bed laying down

"Can I make you feel good?" I ask quietly as I fiddle with my fingers

"I'm fine Lav" Ethan said and I climb onto the bed first taking off my shoes

I cuddle onto him and I kiss him.

"What would your parents do if they found you with me right now?" Ethan asks after a few minutes of silence

"They would kill me then kill you" I said while smiling slightly

"At least we'll be up in heaven together right?" Ethan said while looking up

"They say that when you're up in heaven you love everyone the same... You don't love someone more than anyone else" I said quietly

"So when we go up there I want you to love me more than anyone else" Ethan said giving me a smile

"I'll try bubby" I said

"Bubby?" Ethan questioned getting off me

"Yea deal with it" I said rudely, I was not trying to even sound rude... There was a few seconds of silence

"Wow calm down there" Ethan says while cuddling back onto me. I smile and roll my eyes playfully

"I feel like you rolled your eyes" Ethan said

"Maybe" I quietly said biting his neck through his shirt in a way to say that I'm mad but Ethan instead moaned making my eyes widen

Ethan chuckles

"It was only a joke babes" Ethan said while shaking his head

"So how many boyfriends have you had?" Ethan asks

"I've had 1 but he kind of cheated on me and I've been scared to date ever since so..." I trailed off

"He cheated on you?" Ethan asks while breathing out his nose hard and chuckling a bit

"Well a girl walked up to him and kissed him but he kissed back and I saw It happen so after that I never you know dated anyone" I quietly said

"That was stupid of him to not treat you right" Ethan said while pulling me closer to him

"Yea I kinda got into a fight with her but I didn't hit back so..."

"He wasn't worth your time" Ethan said

"How many girlfriends have you had?" I ask

"Believe it or not I've only had two" Ethan said

"Only two?" I tease

"I'm waiting on you" Ethan whispers so I can hear it

"Ethan I'm going to be you're third girlfriend in a while or as in I don't know actually.." I said giggling a little bit

"Baby girl I'm going to make you be so in love with me you won't even know what I'll make you feel" Ethan said putting a hand on my waist

"Can you tell me what sex feels like?" I ask embarrassed a little

"Sex feels like you're in the most amazing place in the world at the time" Ethan said

I nod and I go onto the grass again and look up at the sky

"We should do this more often" I said

"We should" Ethan said putting his arms behind him to use them as a 'pillow'

Lavender || Ethan Dolan|✔️|Where stories live. Discover now