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Ally Rose

These past few months Ethan has been acting weird. Since me and my parents had the fight about me and my dad he's been kinda distant and weird.

He comes up with weird excuses and is always busy. I understand him but sometimes I just really want to see him and he disses me.

School is the only place where me and Ethan can talk normally because he's always busy now

It's time to go to school and I'm honestly excited because I'm seeing Ethan.

"Bye mom" I said

"Honey can I talk to you after school?" My mom asks

"Ugh... Sure" I said going out the door into my car

The girl that me and Ethan saw at the mall goes to our school and she's honestly a cool friend to have. Me and her have gotten close

"Hey Moana" I said giving her a hug

"Hey Ally!" She said hugging me back

"Have you seen Ethan?" I ask

She stiffs up

"Ummm... No" Moana says quietly

"Ok" I said

"I gotta go and study at the library" moans said

"Alright. See you later" I said

It's cold since it's January but I love the cold. I'm my normal tan color and as for the twins, they look like a sour cream color but it's cute...

I go into class and don't see Ethan. I only see Grayson

"Hey gray" I said giving him a side hug

"Hey Rose" Grayson said giving me a side hug back

"So where's E?" I ask

"Umm I think he's- I actually don't know" Grayson said laughing a bit

"He's been acting weird and distant" I said

"He has been. He tells me to leave the house almost everyday now because of his little lessons" Grayson said

"Oh yea. But isn't he doing good in every class?" I said furrowing my eyebrows

"I don't know" Grayson shrugged

"Oh well" I sighed

The day passed by quickly and it was last period. Ethan showed up after first period and Moana showed up too

Ethan and Moana and Grayson weren't in the class. Grayson went home for a dentist appointment and Ethan said that he went home. Moana just said that she needed to go home because she wasn't feeling good at all

I want to go to the bathroom badly so I raised my hand

"Ally Rose?" Mr.Pooman asked

"Mr. Pooman may I go to the restroom?" I ask

"Sure can" he replied back smiling

"But... Sign out and get a pass" he said

I get up and sign out putting my name, what time it was and where I was going . I walk to the bathrooms. I wanted to go into the big stall but someone was already in it

I heard quiet moans and I gag

Who fucks in a school bathroom?

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