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Ally Rose

I wake up from someone knocking on my door. I see that Ethan is still on my bed so I freak out.

"Honey wake up its time for school" mom

"Ok" I said as I stretch

Ethan still has his arm wrapped around me and I felt butterflies to my stomach

"E" I said  get him to wake up

"Hmm" he hums in response rubbing his eyes and waking up

"Morning beautiful" Ethan whispers

His morning voice...

I get up and go into the bathroom brushing my teeth and brushing my hair

"Climb put my window. There is a tree and you can easily go down it" I said

"Ok just one more thing" Ethan said

He comes up to me and kisses me while grabbing my butt softly making me jump a little

"Bye baby I'll see you in a few" he goes out the window and starts to climb down he tree

"Bye e" I said while he lands on the floor. I go into my closet and put on a white tank top with a black cardigan, black ripped jeans, and black and white roshes. I then put on my normal amount of makeup and go downstairs

"Hey mom hey dad" I said while getting a banana

"Hey honey have a good day" they say

I walk out and see Ethan and Grayson on the sidewalk

"Boo" I said calmly

They jump a little bit and I smile. We walk to school and when we get there people look at me and Ethan holding hands. Grayson goes with his friends after saying bye to me and Ethan.

I see Meredith and her little minions coming our way

"Well, well, well... Look who we have here" Meredith said while rolling her eyes

"What do you want" I said

She ignores my sentence and looks at me and Ethan's hands

"I see that you are with her now. I bet you just like her because she want you. You just want to have sex with her" Meredith says looking at Ethan

"No for once I feel like I'm not with an ugly cheating ass" Ethan said making me walk with him. I could hear her scoff from across the hall and the walking kids who were snickering around.

I put my stuff in my locker and Ethan waits for me

"You know you don't have to wait for me right?" I say as I shut my locker and put the books and binder against my chest so they won't fall

"I know but I don't want anyone stealing my girl" Ethan said smirking

"Well if anyone comes up to me I'll- I'll punch them... yea" i said

Ethan looks at me with the 'are you serious' look and then looks back forwards to see where he was going

"Yea.." I said quietly

I get to my class and Ethan kisses me goodbye

"Bye baby" I said

"Bye lav" Ethan said grabbing my butt slightly at the end while he was leaving

I jump a little and look at him furrowing my eyebrows and I see him laughing a little

He's gonna get it later

I sit down and see that Grayson is sitting next to a girl and I see him smile at me and pint at her while she wasn't looking

I put a thumbs up and smile at him

Then I look at him and do sex motions and he turns red and tries not to laugh. The girl turns to him and he try's to act normal and he looks at me and bites his lip

I look and him and open my mouth and he looks away trying not to laugh

The bell rings and the teacher sits down. I see this boy standing at the door and he looked puzzled

"Class today we have a new student!" She yelled

"His name is Jack Dail" Mrs. Asshelmet says (~ ;)~)

"Jack sit next to Ally. She will show you around the school right now and then take you to your next class" I get up and grab my stuff

"Have fun" Grayson whispers

I smack his head and walk out. There was an awkward silence

"I'm Ally Rose and I guess I'll be showing you around this dumb behind school" I said

"I could give less of a shit honestly. I've already been to this school and I know where everything is" Jack said

"Well then lets go back" I said

"Nah lets go outside until second period. You have English next right?" He says

"Alright and yes I do have English next" I said

"Ok then lets go" he said grabbing my hand and going outside. I have a bad but good feeling and I honestly don't know what to do..

"So tell me about yourself" he starts

"Not the basic things but something different like do you like adventures or?"

"Well I love to go on adventures, I've moved a lot of times because my dad is from the military, I'm goofy, and well that's it..." I said

"Well that's cool" Jack said


"Well I'm really adventurous, I moved to L.A for a little then came back, I'm pretty goofy and I like to watch the stars and moon at night"

"Oh my gosh me too" I said

"The moon is so beautiful. And the stars are just, wow.." I said

"Have you ever heard people say that the sun sets just to let the moon breath?" Jack said as he went on his phone

"Yea" I said as I looked down at my shoes

There was a moment of silence and the bell rang

"You dating anyone" he asks getting up

"I don't know if I am or not" I said following him

"What do you mean?" He asks

"You know Ethan Dolan right?" I say

"Yea... can we talk about this after school? I don't feel like talking about the Dolan twins" he said

I nod and we sit next to each other in class

"Hey babe-"

"What's Dail doing here" he says flaring his nose

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