Chapter one

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"Isabella Rosalie Davidson! Get those buns up and lets get going! School starts at 8, it's 7, and it takes FIFTEEN MINUTES to get there!!" My best friend, Valenthia yelled. I turned on my back, staring up at her, giving her a death glare. "What if I don't want to, Val?" I questioned, pulling my comforter up over my head and tried falling back asleep. "I again say! It is 7, school starts at 8, and it takes, and I say, FIFTEEN GLORIOUS MINUTES TO GET THERE! I don't wanna be late AGAIN! Please!!" She said and ripped my comforter away from me.

Growling, I rolled off of bed. "Fine, fine. I'm up, I'm up. Don't get your thongs in a twist." I mumbled and popped up on my feet. "Thank you." She said sweetly, with the infamous sweet smile she always gave me when she got her way. Or if she really wanted something or got in trouble. Or her just telling me she loves me. But she usually only tells me she loves me because of the before comment. She skipped out of my room and down the hallway.

Grabbing a pair of ripped black jeans, undergarments, and a baby blue tank top, I walked to the bathroom and turned the warm water on, unclothed, and hopped in. The water relaxed my body and made me start to fall back asleep again but shaking my head, I kept awake and finished what I had to do, and turned the water off.

"Izzy Frizzy!" I heard someone call on the other side of the door. I knew who it was when I heard the nickname. I quickly finished dressing and opened the door to reveal Francis, my older brother. Who is also Val's mate. "Frankie!!" I squealed and hugged him tight around his neck. I haven't seen him very much in two weeks due to him being the beta of the pack and having meetings with different packs. So he's been traveling a lot. And even though Val is his mate, I doubt she missed him more than I did.

If you haven't noticed, I am werewolf. So is Francis, Val and pretty much everyone else that I live around. We are the Wildwood Pack.

Francis snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me into a bear hug. "Hey, Iz." He cooed and kissed the side of my head. I giggled at his gesture and pulled away, looking at his face. We looked exactly alike and a lot of people in the pack kept mistaking us for twins for the longest time. We both had rounded noses, green eyes, tan skin, and the same ashy brown-black hair. But he was still a whole head taller than me and was two years older. I'm 18 and he's 20.

We lived alone together for seven years until I met Val (the pack is big. So I wasn't able to meet her right away. Don't judge me) and her and I instantly became friends. She's a year older than me. Which made her 19. And her and Frankie became mates. Our father had died from a hunting accident and a month later, our mother died. That's how it is. If your mate dies, and you officially mated, you would die also within a month. I never questioned it.

"I'm here to take you and Valenthia to school today." He smiled a childish grin at me when we walked out of the bathroom and into the living room. Val was standing there, tapping her foot, anxiously waiting for us to hurry, I'm assuming. "Could you wrap the family reunion and let us get going?" She pouted with her arms crossed over her chest. Francis and I both laughed at her when we approached her.

Francis lightly kissed Val's lips and wrapped her in his arms. "EW!" I groaned and covered my eyes. Val's giggle erupted in my ears. "I do not, I repeat, DO NOT, need to see my best friend and older brother kiss!" I said and, with my eyes still closed, I attempted to feel for my backpack. But ultimately failed and had to open them, only to see them kissing again. "What happened to 'WE HAVE TO GET TO SCHOOL! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE'?" I said, mocking Val and waving my arms around before I picked up my backpack. She gave me a scrunched faced look after they broke the kiss. "Oh poo. It's only 7:15." She giggled and pulled both me and Francis out the door.

I called shotgun and jumped into the passenger seat before Val even could get to Francis' 2006 purple pickup truck. Val groaned at me, but knew we couldn't be late again to school, so she didn't argue and got in the back. "But I get to be up front when we get done with school." She huffed and buckled herself in. "Deal." I nodded and buckled myself in. Francis hopped into the driver side and grabbed my left hand with his right hand and he sped out of the driveway and down the highway to school. When Val or I drive, it takes 15 minutes to get to school. But when Francis drives, it only takes 5-10 because he always speeds.

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