Chapter 10

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I started to cry. "Val. Don't say that. Of course I'm still your best friend and sister." I told her but she just cried and turned away from me. "Val. Please. I love you." I told her and hugged her. Her body shook under my touch. "I didn't mean to do it. I really didn't want to. He was stronger than me. Everything went so fast and before I knew it he already marked me."

She shook her head. "I don't believe you." She cried. "Well you better." A voice called from behind us. I looked up and saw Quinn standing there. I gulped. "I'm sorry I took your friend away but I did mark her and we did mate." He came up to us. "I'm sorry Val." I whispered to her and stood up. She looked up to me. I gave her one last hug. "I promise I'll help you out of here and to get you back to Frankie." I whispered in her ear before I let go and walked out of the cell and Quinn locked it.

He grabbed my elbow and yanked me up the stairs and up through the door and to his bedroom. "Ow! Quinn stop! You're hurting me!" I cried and tried yanking away. This was the first time he was ever violent with me in the last couple of days. He practically threw me on his bed and stood over me. "What's gotten into you!" I yelled at him as I rubbed the inside of my elbow. I looked down at it and already a small bruise was forming.

He didn't answer me. "Well!" I cried and looked back up at him. He just turned around and walked out of the room. "Quinton! Give me a freaking answer!" I yelled. He paused at the door. "No one calls me that! I barely tolerate my family calling me that! I hate the name!" He spat. "Too bad! I called you it anyways!" I growled.

He turned and stomped back over to me. He got in my face. I closed my eyes and turned my face away from his but his hand forcefully grabbed my chin and turned my face back to his. "I bring your mate here for you and this is how you treat her." A voice called from the door. I opened my eyes and Quinn turned to look at the door to reveal Mordecai. "I may be a mean and cruel person most of the time but come on, Quinn." He growled and walked over to us.

Mordecai looked down at me. I could see in his eyes, he didn't give a rat's butt about me. I could tell he loved seeing me be tortured by Quinn. I ran my hand along my chin and my fingers hit a tender spot where Quinn's thumb was pressed into it. I winced. "I thought you wouldn't be home for a couple more days." Quinn said. Mordecai shrugged. "I decided to come back early." Mordecai said.

He looked at me again and gave a smirk. "If your little lover boy here hadn't told you, you're going to school tomorrow. You're welcome." He laughed a little at the end and left the room.

Quinn looked down at me. I couldn't read him. But I now saw him who he really was. All the lies he told me that he wasn't like everyone else in this pack. He was just the same. A cruel monster. He never loved me. Never cared. My heart broke. He used me. Took me. And I let him.

My hands shook from anger and pain. I wanted to hit him so hard. To try and show him how much pain I was in. But I'm not that strong. So I could never show him how much pain he caused me. That just made me more angry.

"Hey Quinn, I-" Ryan stopped as she saw me. She looked up at Quinn. "You bastard." She said and ran up to me. She lightly touched my chin but I winced back and groaned. She glared at him. "Wow, Quinn. Really? You don't do this to someone. Especially your mate." She growled. He didn't say anything. His blank expression stayed the same. I started to cry again.

Ryan helped me off the bed and she led me to her room and closed the door behind us. But I just stood there crying and shaking. "I'm such a fool. Why did it have to be him? Why?" I cried. Ryan hugged me tight and rubbed my back. But I just cried more. "I hate him. I hate it here. I want to go home." I cried into her shoulder. But I knew I couldn't leave without everyone in my pack that was here. But I also now couldn't leave Quinn. It would be hard on me and, even though it's hard to say, it would be hard on him too.

There was a knock on the door and it opened. "Why was Quinn running through the living room, crying?" Alec's voice called. "Not now, babe. I'll try to explain later." Ryan told him and rubbed my back more. "Okay." Alec said defeatedly.

Ryan sat me down on her bed. "What happened?" She asked. And I proceeded to tell her everything.

Alec's point of view

I ran out of the pack house and saw Quinn sitting down next to the door. "Well the hell?" I yelled at him. He looked up at me with puffy eyes and snot dripping from his nose. I sighed, pulling a napkin from my pocket and handing it to him. He grabbed it and wiped his nose. "I saw Isabella balling her eyes out in Ryan's room. What. The hell. Happened?" I asked once more.

Quinn shook his head. "Don't make me use your full name, Quinn. I know you don't like it." I threatened. I get that I wasn't much older than him and he did have authority over me but I hate seeing girls cry. Especially over some guy or what a guy did to them. "I just.. I snapped. I got mad at her. And for a stupid reason too." He sniffled. "I overheard her talking to her friend about what happened between her and I earlier and how she didn't want it. It just pushed over the edge."

I shook my head. "Well maybe the way she meant it was she didn't want to do it right away. You guys only known each other for what.. two and a half days? You met while talking to her alpha, then realized ya'll were mates, then all of a sudden, the next day, she's here. I can see how she feels like everything is rushing and spinning around her like a tornado and everything is crazy and you just had to go and make it more confusing and make everything feel even more fast for her. I'm not her but I don't know. But it's not something like Ryan and I where we've known each other for a long time and it was easy to know when we found out we were mates to know we wanted it. Quinn.. Can't you see? She's already scared. This whole experience for her is scary. You're supposed to be there for her and comfort her. Not be forceful and fast and scaring her even more." I told him.

Ryan came out and looked at Quinn. "Lucky for you, she's calm now. Once she stopped crying, she was going to come out here and kick your ass." She growled. I grabbed Ryan's hand. "I should've let her." I pulled Ryan into me, trying to soothe her. But she kept growling at him. "Ryan, let's not." I mumbled and tried kissing the side of her head but she moved her head and looked up at me with a glare. "So you're on his side?" She questioned. I shook my head no. "No I'm not." I sighed and looked down at Quinn. "You really messed up." I told him and pulled Ryan into the house.

Quinn's point of view

I don't know what came over me. I set my head in my knees and just cried. I don't feel sorry for myself. All this is my fault. I don't blame anyone but myself. I was crying because I was mad.

I heard footsteps come up to me. I looked up. There stood Isabella towering over me with an evil look. I looked back down. I knew I couldn't say sorry because it would never be enough. "You really hurt me, Quinn. Not just physically." She said. "I knew you were just as bad as everyone else here. I should have rejected you when I had the chance." I heard her stomp away.

She was right. I hurt her physically and I can definitely tell I hurt her emotionally. That was honestly a dick move. She was right about me being just like a lot of people here, too. Deep down I knew I was a horrible person.

"Really screwed up, huh?" Mordecai's voice called behind me. I didn't say anything and I didn't look up. "You need to stop thinking you're such a nice guy. Face it. You're not." He chuckled. "Stop feeling bad for yourself. Feel happy you made her mad at you." He told me. I shook my head. "I'll never be happy that I made her mad at me." I mumbled and lifted my head up, wiping away my tears.

But I doubt I could ever bring her back.

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