Chapter 9

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Isabella's point of view

I laid on his chest and we were both panting hard. I can't believe this actually happened. I tried moving but it hurt to. Probably should've made him do it slower than thinking going faster would make it feel better.

I winced at the pain but continued to get up and stand. But it hurt to. Quinn stood up and wrapped his arms around me. I collapsed against him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He told me as he grabbed my undies and handed them to me. "Hey now!!" I squealed and grabbed them from him. "Don't touch these, sir." I mumbled and slowly pulled them on. I grabbed my bra and clasped it on.

I stopped for a second for the pain to pass. But it didn't. So I just had to fight through in order to get the shirt and pajama pants back on. Quinn was already dressed by the time I finished and he gently picked me up and carried me back to his pack.

Ryan met us half way. "Guess you guys actually did something?" She giggled. "Could you not?" I asked and huffed. I really didn't want to talk about it. I gave in. I let him take me. I let him take the one thing I could never get back. I was upset with myself. I was going to reject him and get away from this place. But something in me stopped and let him do whatever he wanted with my body.

My wolf growled at me, saying I'm really bipolar. I told her I wasn't and she told me I was because first I was fine with Quinn but then I quickly changed around and wanted to reject him. Okay maybe I am a little bipolar but seriously. She's the one who decided that his wolf was her mate. I could never change her mind, even if I wanted to. Her and I both know he could possibly be a bad guy and that he was just using us.

He sat me down on a couch and walked into the kitchen where Alec was. Ryan sat next to me. "You are the most bipolar weirdo I have met." She told me. I shrugged. "First you're all over Quinn, then you say you practically hate the guy and say you're going to reject him, then now you're all over him again and mated." She said. I shrugged. "I'm weird, okay? I can't help it." I sighed.

The phone rang and I jumped. She got up and answered it. "Hello?" She said, followed by a light pause. "Oh, Alpha. Hello. How was your meeting?" She asked, then followed by another pause. "Yes, I can get him. He's in the kitchen." She walked into the kitchen with the cordless phone and I heard her faintly say that Mordecai was on the other line.

Quinn's point of view

"Quinn, it's Alpha Mordecai. He's asking for you." Ryan told me as she handed me the phone. "Ya?" I asked. "Hello, Quinton." He said. He rarely ever called me by my full first name, or full name ever, unless I was in trouble with him or he wanted something. "What do you want, Mordecai?" I asked. I know I should be calling him alpha because he is my alpha but I don't really give a rat's behind about it.

I heard him take a deep breath. "Have you checked on our... guests?" He chose the word carefully. But him and I both know they are prisoners. "Not today, no." I said. "Could you? And also, I enrolled your little mate in school. She starts tomorrow." He said. Why would he care if Isabella got schooling? "Okay. Will do." I said. He mumbled a bye and the phone call stopped.

I handed the phone back to Ryan. "Apparently he's being nice for once in his worthless life and letting Isabella go back to school." I told her. She nodded. "And you shouldn't say stuff like that about the Alpha. Even if it is true." She said and went back into the living room with the phone. I sighed. It's true. He just needs to die already. I could kill him myself and become the alpha but alpha seems too much responsibility for me right now.

I finished what I was making for Isabella. Which was a sandwich. I can't cook for the life of me so sandwiches are the best I can do. I cut it in half and took it out to her but she was passed out on the couch. Great. I set the plate down on the table and just sat in the chair that was next to the couch and I watched her sleep. She was so peaceful when she slept.

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