Chapter 8

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Isabella's point of view

I woke up in Ryan's bed. She lightly snored next to me as I sat and and slid out of the bed. The clock on her desk said eleven.

I walked out of her room quietly and walked over to Quinn's but when I opened the door, I didn't see him and the bathroom door was open so he wouldn't be there. My heart pace quickened. Where is he? Wait, why should I care? I was going to reject him and try to get Val and everyone else out of here so we can go back home.

I walked into the living room and into the kitchen and saw Alec standing there. "Alec. Have you seen Quinn? I fell asleep in Ryan's room last night and when I went to Quinn's, he wasn't there." I told him. Alec shrugged. "Haven't seen him since last night at the dinner. Sorry." He said, quickly looking up from what he was doing and gave a sad look. "Wish I could help."

I sighed and walked out of the house, not really caring I was still wearing his pajamas. "You look lost ma'am." A small boy's voice came from behind me. I turned, to see a young boy no older than 6. "Uh. Ya. Have you seen Beta Quinn?" I asked him. He shook his head no. "I haven't this morning." He shrugged and trotted away from me.

I was getting kind of worried. Even though I shouldn't. A hand touched my shoulder and I jumped. "It's just me." Ryan yawned. "What are you doing out here?" She asked. She had put on pajama pants but still had the oversized shirt on. I could tell it was Alec's. "Quinn. He wasn't in his room." I said kind of panicky. She shrugged. "He usually runs off to the little pond/lake thingy. Come on." She said and led me through the woods and to a little lake.

There laid Quinn, fast asleep next to it. I walked up to him, more relieved than I planned on being. I tried to keep a straight face as I woke him up. He looked up to me and growled. He turned over so he was facing the lake. I blinked at him. "Just go ahead and do it. I don't care anymore." He growled. Had he overheard Ryan's and I's conversation...

I set a hand on his shoulder and lightly turned him so I could see his face. He was crying. Footsteps walked away from us. So I'm guessing Ryan left us. I felt bad that he was crying. It hurt me to see him cry. But I can't leave everything I love just for my mate.

"Quinn... I..." I managed to say before everything blurred around me and I felt white hot pain in my neck. I gasped. When my brain managed to catch up with everything, I realized Quinn was on top of me and he had his teeth sunk into the side of my neck. He marked me.

Tears brimmed my eyes when he pulled his head back. Partially from the pain but also, now it would be almost impossible to leave him. Once he marked me, once we officially mate, we'd be inseparable. I won't be able to go back to my pack unless he came along. But that be tough because he is the beta.

I looked up at him as tears rolled down my face. I reached up to touch the spot he marked me but even the slightest touch sent white hot pain into my whole neck down to my shoulder and up to my head. "How... How could you!" I cried. He looked down at me. "I-I'm so sorry..." His body lightly shook and he started to cry. He was angry with himself. He hated himself. "I couldn't loose you. I can't." He cried.

I slapped him hard across the face but I used my hand that was on the side where he marked me and it burned. "That still doesn't mean you could mark me! You mother-" He cut me off with a kiss. I was angry. It hurt that he was thinking of himself and not how I felt. But.. Wasn't I doing the same?

I realized it took two to make decisions about this. Even if I thought I was thinking about my pack, I was thinking mainly about myself. I wanted to get out and wanted to stay clear away from this pack. I wanted Frankie back and I wanted everyone in the cells out and safe. But I was thinking of what I wanted. Of what I felt and not him.

I closed my eyes and kissed back. My heart fluttered and my wolf howled in happiness. But I mainly focused on my heart. Even though I've only known Quinn for 2 days and a morning, I felt something I never felt for anyone before. I was in love. It was really really weird to think about but I am.

He lightly nibbled my lip, asking for my permission. I parted my lips and he explored my mouth with his tongue. He swirled his tongue around mine and it made me moan. He reached his hand up my shirt and lightly caressed my breast. I truly wanted this. I had pushed down the want, the need, of him touching me since he didn't want to when I first got here.

I parted from the kiss for a split second to pull of my shirt. He looked down at me. "So beautiful." He muttered and kissed the side of my neck that didn't have the mark. I moaned. He kissed up to my ear and his breath on my ear made me shutter. "You're so beautiful. I love you." He muttered and he ripped the pants off me. I gasped.

He pulled back and looked me in the eyes. I nodded. He smirked and undressed himself. We sat in our underwear for a second before I decided to unclasp my bra and pull down my undies. Quinn blushed and lightly looked away. "Don't look away." I said and pulled his face to look at my body. He gulped and took deep breaths.

Quinn's point of view

I looked down at Isabella's body. She was so beautiful. "I'm.. I'm scared." I muttered. I was afraid that I might hurt her more than I already did. "Don't be." She whispered and pressed herself into me to plant a kiss on my lips.

I reached down to touch her and she moaned against my lips. I kissed down her neck. "Oh Quinn." She gasped in my ear as I touched her and kissed her neck more. Her body tensed against mine and she let out a loud moan. I took my boxers off and straddled her body more. I paused for a second. "Don't be afraid. Just do it." She told me.

I set myself and moved slowly. She squeaked lightly. "Are you hurting?" I asked as I stopped. She shook her head no but her face was full of pain. "Isabella.." I said and started to pull out but she grabbed me by the shoulders. "No. I want this." She told me. "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded. I moved again but painfully slow. I wanted to make sure she was feeling good instead of pain.

She looked up at me. "I'm okay. Go ahead." She said. I went a little faster. She bit her lip to quiet herself. She flipped us over. "You're going too slow." She smirked.

We officially mated.

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