Chapter 5

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The next morning
Isabella's point of view

I woke up to a violent shaking. I screamed, not understand what's going on, if its me or someone doing it. "Iz shush!!" Val said as she covered my mouth. "It's just me." She whispered. She removed her hand after I realized it was her. "W-What's going on?" I asked. She pointed out my window. I sat up and the first thing I saw was fire against the night sky. I gasped. "We have to get you out of here." She said and tried pulling me out of bed. But I was paralyzed. "Iz come on!" She cried.

I let my body slack and allowed her to pull me out of the house and away from all the commotion. I looked to my left and saw all my friends. Fighting, dead, or being captured. I felt numb. Felt like nothing in the world mattered other than what is happening to my friends. To my pack.

I felt a grip and a pull on my other arm and was yanked away from Val. "VAL!" I screamed when she stumbled to try and grab me back. "Izzy!!!" She cried and tried reaching the person who took me but she was grabbed someone else and taken the other way. I tried changing but something was stopping me. I couldn't change.

I was thrown in a van and handcuffed to the wall. The handcuff burned when I rubbed my wrist up against it. So it was either made of silver or wolfs bane. The door closed and the van started moving. "What's going on!!" I yelled at the driver but he didn't respond. I adjusted myself to check the clock on the dashboard. It was only 4 in the morning.

I felt a hand on my knee. I jumped. "Where's my mommy?" A young girl asked. A light shown through a window and I saw her face. She had bright blue eyes and a round face. Her brown hair were in small pigtails and she was pale. I could see a blue purple bruise under her eye forming and dried blood on her lip. "I want my mommy." She cried. She was no older than four or five years old. How could someone do that to a little girl? "I'm sorry sweetie. I'll try looking for her." I told her, trying to give her some reassurance.

After about ten minutes, the van stopped. I looked out the window across from me but could only see sky. The doors opened. "Come on, you two." The man said and unlocked us from the handcuffs. He took the little girl out first and handed her to a woman. Him and the woman were bickering. So I took this chance to slip out of the van and run away. "Hey!" The man said. I just kept running.

Hands grabbed me by the shoulders and I yelped as I was pulled back. "Hey!" I heard a voice call. I craned my neck to see Quinn. Shock and relief washed over me and I started to cry. "Quinn!!" I called and tried wiggling out of the pair hands holding me. "Let her go!" Quinn snapped and practically ripped me out of the hands and pulled me into him. "This is not how you treat your beta's mate!" He growled.

I looked at the guy who grabbed me and he bowed slightly. "I am sorry beta. I did not realize this was your mate." He said and straightened himself. "I will have you killed the next time you lay a hand on her!" He picked me up and carried me to a house. "What's going on? Why is your pack attacking mine?!" I yelled as I slapped his chest and tried getting out of his grip. Did he have something to do with this? All my friends dying, fighting, or being captured? Did he know that little girl was hurt? Frankie was right. He's just like everyone else in the pack. He pulled me closer into him and said nothing to me.

He walked us into a room and he set me on a bed. He dropped his head and knelt in front of me. "Quinn?" I asked as I calmed a little bit. I slipped off the bed and practically landed in his lap. I lifted my face to his and saw him crying. He shook his head as his shoulders heaved up and down. "I didn't want this. I didn't want anyone hurt." He cried and hid his face in my neck.

I held his head. "Quinn. What is going on?" I asked. He pulled himself together a bit and pulled back. "Mordecai. He wanted a reason to attack your pack." He told me. "And since you and I found each other, he thought capturing you was a good enough reason." He started crying again.

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