Chapter 4

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Francis point of view

"Nice going, Francis. Now look what you did." Valenthia said and glared at me. I sighed and ignored her comment and looked at Quinn. "If it wasn't for you." I spat and walked out of Alpha's house. "Francis!" Valenthia called after me but I didn't want to stop. I didn't care right at this moment. "Francis Rudolph Davidson, stop your ass right now!" Valenthia called after me. I gave in and stopped, realizing I had no idea where I was going.

I turned. "What, Valenthia? What?" I asked in a harsh, mean way. Her face gave a pained look. "Val--" She stepped away from me when I tried coming closer to her. I could feel her pain from me talking in a harsh way with her. She's kind of like Iz with that. Sometimes they both try to act mature in the moment but then if you get too mean with them or say something in a mean way, they instantly get hurt. Not that it's a bad thing, its just they're still young at heart.

She looked up with tears in her eyes. "Valenthia.. I didn't mean to be harsh with that..." I told her and tried taking another step towards her. She didn't move this time so I slowly walked up to her but she winced away when I tried touching her face. "Babe... I'm sorry." I told her and tried kissing her. But yet again, she winced away from me.

It was making me mad that she was now afraid of me. But I tried being patient with her. "Did I scare you?" I asked. She nodded. I gave her a sad look. "I didn't mean to scare you. I promise I won't hurt you. Please." I whispered to her and tried to kiss her again. She slowly and hesitantly pressed herself into me and let me kiss her.

After a while, she broke the kiss, giggling. I gave her a questioned look. "We gotta go find Izzy first." She told me. I still don't understand and I held my look. She quickly glanced down to my area and I realized I had a boner. Blushing, I straightened myself. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the woods. "I-I thought we were going to f-find Iz." I stuttered. She shook her head. "We are. If I know my best friend, she would've went to our secret little waterfall." She told me.

We weaved through a lot of trees before we came up to an opening and I saw a waterfall pouring into a lake. The view was breathtaking. The waterfall was at least three stories high, maybe taller, and the lake was a crystal clear blue.

I was snapped back into reality when I saw my mate strip before me. "V-Valenthia. What.. stop." I tried speaking but failing. She looked back at me and giggled while she stood there naked. "Put your clothes back on!!" I hissed, picking up her shirt and tried putting it back on her but she slipped by me and jumped into the lake. "Valenthia!!!" I called.

Her head popped up two seconds later and so did Iz's. I jumped back at the sudden surprise. But then I realized my little sister, along with my mate, were both naked. In a lake that didn't look like had anything icky on the surface. "Isabella!!" I squeaked and covered my eyes with my hands. "P-put your clothes on." I said. "I can't. They ripped when I changed to wolf and ran here. Forgot human clothes don't fit well on giant wolves." She spat.

"I don't appreciate you talking that to me." I mumbled. I felt water being splashed on my shoes. "Hey!" I hopped back and looked down at my shoes. "These are new!" I said. "Well thats what you deserve for speaking me the way you did. Sorry you don't like the fact that Quinn's my mate. I really don't like it either. If I could choose, I would not pick someone from Black Bird. I don't know him but neither do you. Ya Black Bird pack is bad in general but not everyone in it is bad."

I grumbled, closed my eyes and took my shirt off and tried handing it to Iz without opening my eyes. I heard water splashing and feet hitting grass. "At least put this on." I told her as I felt it being tugged out of my hand. "Okay okay. I have it on." She told me after a second. I opened my eyes and saw that the shirt went to her knees. Better than nothing. But it still clung to her like a wet bathing suit and could see her figure through it.

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