Chapter 14

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Mordecai's point of view
(I don't think I gave him one yet but now he gets one. Hahaha.)

"So her brother's apparently coming tonight to get her?" I hummed at the new information my little beta Quinn told me. I stared at Quinn for a moment before speaking again.

"Make sure the pack army is ready for the attack. We have to make sure they don't take the prisoners away." I said. "What if we just give them the prisoners and no one has to die?" Quinn asked in a harsh tone. "Because I'm your alpha and you'll listen to me. Want to add your little mate to that list of people who'll die first if you disobey me? Because she'll be the first one to go." I hummed raising my eyebrows.

He snarled at me but didn't say anything else. "That's what I thought. Now go do what I say or she's dead." I snapped at him. He snarled one more time before getting up and stomping out the door. I smirked to myself. I knew how to get on his nerves and I loved it.

Quinn's point of view

"What? How could he do that?" Iz asked as we watched the pack army get ready. "I wish I don't have to do this." I sighed wrapped an arm around her. She nodded. "Yeah." She sighed. Within in minutes, the sun started to set and a howl came from the woods before multiple wolves erupted from the trees.

Two of them changed back to human form and the alpha of Isabella's pack and her brother walked up to me as Mordecai came out of the pack house. "Give us our people back and no one has to get hurt." Francis, I think was his name, said. I was about to say something but Mordecai stepped in front of me. "No. They stay here. You have to get through me first." He smirked.

Francis growled. "That's enough." Iz yelled and stood between them. "Isabella. This doesn't involve you." Francis said but Iz turned away from him and to Mordecai. "You and me. The first one who's closest to dying looses and the winner gets whatever they want." She said. "Iz no!" Both her brother and I said.

Mordecai hummed in amusement. "What do you get if you win? And what's in it for me?" He asked. "If I win, you will leave this pack forever, letting Quinn be alpha and let my friends go back home. If you win, I'll let you kill me." Iz said. "No. I won't let you do this!" I said. She looked at me and gave me a wink. "Don't worry about me, Quinton." She said.

Mordecai thought for a second. "Okay. You and I." He said. "Isabella Rosalie! Don't do this!" Her brother yelled as he tried getting to her but their alpha grabbed his arm and whispered something to him.

Isabella changed to wolf form and so did Mordecai. Isabella looked up at me. "Please. Don't do this." I whispered. She just looked back at Mordecai and lunged at him. I jumped back and looked away. Why was I letting my mate risk her life?

I growled and changed wolf before thinking and jumped between them and bit down on Mordecai's neck. He let out a stifled howl and gurgling noises. I felt him scratch deep into my shoulder but I just clamped down harder. He scratched and scratched at my shoulder, trying to get me to stop until his body went limp in my mouth and I dropped him.

Isabella changed back and ran up to me. "Why? You could've hurt yourself! I could've hurt you." She cried and hugged me around my neck but I whimpered loud when her hand skimmed over the scratches on my shoulder. She looked up at it as I changed back. "Quinn." She said. "I'll be fine." I mumbled. "It's bleeding a lot." She cried as she searched for something to stop the bleeding. The scratch was trying to heal itself but there was a lot of blood leaving my body and I was getting dizzy.

"Quinn." She cried before everything turned dark.

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