Chapter 13

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Quinn's point of view

We drove up to the human college and I parked. I wasn't the best at parking. Or driving period, for that matter. Iz was yelling at me because of how fast I drove. I just simply ignored her half way through the ride here, though.

"You could've killed me!" She yelled at me when we got out of the car. I rolled my eyes. "You're alive still. So you're fine." I said and handed her, her backpack before grabbing mine and then grabbing her hand as we walked in.

We walked in to the office. "Hi. You must be the new students here today?" A woman behind the desk asked. I nodded. She gave us our ID's, which had totally different names on them that what our real names were. Mordecai didn't want Iz's brother be able to find us here. So he told the school our names were Donald Valentine and Angela Appleton. Why, I don't know. She then gave us our schedules, which had the same classes and we went to our first class. Which was art.

Isabella's point of view

We walked into our art class and sat in desks that were next to each other. Frankie tried mind linking me but I cut it off before he got to say anything to make him think it was a connection fail or something. But he kept persisting to mind link with me so once I sat down I mind linked with him.

Me: WHAT, Francis?
Frankie: We're coming to get you and everyone else tonight.
Me: I told you, Frankie, I can't come home.
Frankie: I don't care what happens to that slumbag of a mate you have. I just want you back.
Me: You're being selfish, Frankie. Leave me alone and let me stay with Quinn.
Frankie: Oh, I'm being the selfish one? Iz, it's been us since we were little. We were each other's only family until Val came into the picture. And the three of us were family. But you went and had to get a mate.
Me: You know I couldn't help it. You knew I'd eventually find one eventually and you couldn't stop it. Stop being so big headed that you can't accept that fact. I'm sorry I'm not able to come home. I'm sorry you see me as selfish. I didn't want to stay at first. I wanted to come home with you and Val. But I love Quinn just as much as I love you and Val and you can't force me to come home and leave my mate and then never have another one after him. You want me to be emotionally and physically miserable for the rest of my life just so your little heart and mind can be at ease. You'll save everyone else and leave me behind. I'm fine.

I cut off my link to him when I felt tears run down my face. "Iz? Isabella." Quinn whispered to me and touched my cheek. "He wants to take me away from you." I sniffled and hid my face in his shoulder. "Who?" He asked. "My brother." I sniffled again and tried rubbing my tears away but they wouldn't stop coming. I didn't want to leave Quinn. Because we were mates. But I wanted to leave because of Mordecai.

"Hey." Quinn cooed. I hummed. "Let's just get through today. Okay? I'll try to figure something out so he doesn't take you away from me." He whispered. I nodded and sat up right when the bell rung.

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