Chapter 7

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We all laughed and talked for a really long time. I'm not sure how much time we wasted but it was a long time. Alec came down the stairs. "Oh you guys found a key?" He asked as he came down the stairs. We nodded. He smiled at Val. "I'm Alec." He told her. She gave a sweet smile. "Nice to meet you, Alec. I'm Val. Izzy's best friend and future sister." She said and gave me a hug. He raised an eyebrow. "She's my brothers mate." I shrugged and hugged back. He nodded.

"Well it's 30 minutes until the pack dinner." He told us. I looked at Val and she sighed. "Will you guys be back?" She asked. I nodded. "After the dinner, I'll try coming down. Okay?" I asked. She nodded. "Okay." She said as I got up and gave her a quick hug before Quinn and I walked out and locked the cell again. "I'm sorry." I told her and put the key back in the cabinet. She gave a small smile. "It's okay."

Quinn, Alec, and I walked up the stairs and out into the hallway before I felt an hand tug on my shirt. It was Ryan trying to sneakily pull me into her room. I giggled at her and went into her room. "I'll see you two in a minute." I told Alec and Quinn.

Once she closed the door behind me, she stripped me and put me in the dress. "Sit down." She told me and pointed to a chair in front of a mirror. I did as she said and sat down. "What do you want to do with your hair?" She asked me as she started to brush it. I looked up at her in the mirror and I saw that she was wearing a purple dress with a black bow on the side of it. It really complimented her body. "Do whatever." I told her.

She pulled out a curling iron and curled some parts of my hair then put the rest of the hair she didn't curl in a bun on the top of my head. She turned me in the chair, put lipstick on me, and then this green eyeshadow on my eye lids then liquid eyeliner.

Just as she finished there was a knock on the door. "Ooh. It's Quinn." She giggled and handed me a pair of high heels. Quinn told me she was the head of the pack army. "You. Miss. Tomboy fighter. Have high heels, can sew, and can do makeup and hair?" I joked with her. She smiled and shrugged.

She opened the door and there stood Quinn in a suit. My heart thudded and my wolf howled. He gave me a sexy smile and a wink. I gulped and my heart thudded louder. "Hey there, pretty." He said and walked up to me. I stood up and I was no longer super short compared to him. I was only regular short.

He gave me his hand and we walked out of Ryan's room, followed by Ryan. I saw Alec and he was wearing an identical suit to Quinn's. He saw Ryan and his smile slightly faded. I heard Ryan gasp. I looked towards her and her eyes widened. What was happening? "I think something special is happening between them." Quinn said in my ear. Are they realizing they're mates. Ryan walked up to him. I couldn't help but smile. "Yep." I said. Alec grabbed her by the waist.

I know they've known each other practically their whole lives. So I guess finding your mate isn't just when you first see someone. "Your my mate." He told her. She smiled. "Known me our whole lives practically and now we realize this?" She giggled. Alec shrugged. "Maybe our wolves just didn't know 'til now." He said. I clapped. "Yay! Ryan and Alec! Wooh!!" I giggled as I clapped more. They looked at me and Ryan rolled her eyes and smiled.

My stomach growled. "I want food!!" I said and tried pulling Quinn towards outside. "Come on!! I want the delicious food Alec made!!" I growled. He just stood there laughing at me. "Okay okay." He said and turned his head to look at Alec and Ryan. I looked at them too and they were making out. "EWW! STOP EATING EACH OTHERS FACES! THERE IS PERFECTLY GOOD FOOD SOMEWHERE YOU CAN EAT!" I said. They pulled apart and laughed.

Quinn led me outside and there were people standing around, talking, laughing and eating. There were lights strung out on trees and light music was playing. Quinn stood up on a chair and waited until everyone was looking up at him. He really didn't need to do that because he's super tall but oh well. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Alpha Mordecai isn't here tonight to celebrate another year of this pack. He is in Switzerland on a business trip and wont be back for a few weeks but he sends his apologies. He told me to tell you all to have fun and eat as much food as you can for him." He said and everyone clapped.

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