Chapter 2

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Francis' point of view

"Welcome, Alpha Red and Beta Francis." Alpha Theo of the Midnight Pack said as we entered his office at his pack house. He bowed slightly when we approached him and straightened after a second. "Good afternoon, Alpha Theo." I said and did the same gesture. "Thank you two for meeting me today." He told us and motioned towards two seats in front of his desk. We took his offer and sat down. "I'm not sure if you have met my beta. Issac."

He turned to a young man, about my age or a little bit older. He had jet black hair, icy blue eyes, pale skin, and was at least maybe 6 foot. His muscles and broad shoulders popped out of his tight yellow t-shirt. "Good afternoon." Isaac's husky voice said as he lightly bowed. "Nice to finally meet the two of you." He said and straightened. Both my alpha and I nodded towards Isaac.

"Nice to meet you too, Isaac." Alpha Red said with a smile. "Alpha Theo has told my friend and I here so much about you. Thank you for joining us." Alpha Red said as he stood up from the seat and reached his hand across to Isaac. Isaac stared at his hand for a second then grasped it firmly and shook it. "You too, Alpha Red." He said once they released hands and bowed to him once more.

Alpha Red laughed as he sat back down. "No need to bow, Isaac. I might be an Alpha but I want you to see me as a friend. Not anything higher." He told him with a gentle smile.

Alpha Red was in his mid-40s but he looked no older than 26 or 27. He had golden brown eyes, blonde hair, a tan, and was about 5'7" or 5'8". He was a really nice man and even though he was an alpha, he felt the need to not be seen as one. Most the time whenever someone called him Alpha, he blushed at the title, making him feel a bit uncomfortable.

Alpha Theo sat down in the swivel chair across from us and pulled out a vanilla file from his desk. He started talking to Alpha Red about different plans about trading and such and I tried toning in on the conversation just in case they asked me for my opinion or to tell me something about their different plans. But I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes settling on me.

I looked up and saw Isaac was totally oblivious to our Alpha's conversation and was intently staring at me. I nodded at him and he nodded back. But his eyes still bore into mine, like a hungry wolf looked at prey. It made me shift in my seat. "What do you think, Francis?" Alpha Red's voice pulled me out of the staring contest I was having with Isaac.

I blinked at him. "I'm sorry, Alpha." I dipped my head in apology before speaking again. "What do I think of what?" I asked. Both Alphas laughed. "Sorry, Theo. Francis hasn't have much sleep. I've been working him too hard." Alpha Red said to Alpha Theo as he lightly rubbed my back. I straightened myself as Alpha Theo handed me a piece of paper. It was about trading stuff. "Um..." I trailed as I read the paper. I shrugged. It talked about trading different furs and such from different animals. I nodded and handed back the paper.

Both Alphas smiled. "It is settled then." Alpha Theo as both him and Alpha Red stood up and shook hands. I stood up and shook hands with Alpha Theo. "I hope to see you two soon." He said with a smile. I nodded and looked at Isaac. He avoided my gaze and looked down on the floor. "See you soon?" I asked him and reached out my hand. He looked up at it and shook it with a nod.

We walked out of their pack house and back to our pack.

Isabella's point of view

Val and I sat around waiting for Francis to come and pick us up but he never showed and it's already nearing 4:30 pm. "Where is he?" I mumbled as I snapped at a bug with a rubber band and instantly killed it. Val shrugged her shoulders. "He hasn't been answering my mind links. How 'bout you?" She questioned. I mentally face palmed. We are family. Why haven't I thought of that? I tried mind linking and immediately got a response.

Francis- Hey cutie pie. Sorry I'm late picking you and Valenthia up. Was at a meeting with Alpha Theo of the Midnight Pack.

I rolled my eyes at him calling me cutie pie but giggled anyways. "What?" Val asked. "Frankie called me cutie pie." I said and smiled innocently. She pouted. "Why doesn't he call me that?" She sighed. I shrugged. "Izzy Frizzy and cutie pie are the two nicknames he calls me. Not sure why but he always did when we were young. I don't mind the Izzy Frizzy but the cutie pie is kind of weird to hear him say." I shrugged again. She looked at me. "Do you have any other nicknames for him other than Frankie?" She questioned with a light smirk.

I nodded, a smile tugged at my lips. "What?" She said enthusiastically. I giggled. "When I started to talk, I couldn't say his name or Frankie so I called him Fanny. And it stuck." I laughed. She furrowed her brows. "Fanny?" She asked, tilting her head. I shrugged. "I couldn't say R's." I laughed more.

Just then a purple truck came speeding in front of us. "Yay. Finally." Val popped up and got in the passenger's side as I got in the back. "Hey." Val said and kissed his cheek. He smiled at her. "Hey before we go anywhere. Do you mind handing me that bag, Iz?" He said and pointed to a small white bag sitting next to me. I grabbed it and handed it to him. "I know this isn't the most.. Romantic time to ask.. but.." He trailed and pulled a ring box out of the bag.

Both Val and I gasped. She started crying. "Babe..." Was all she could muster before he opened the ring box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. "Valenthia Amari Ferdinand. Would you make me the happiest wolf and be my wife?" He asked with his infamous child grin. She cried more and hugged him around the neck.

I cheered and clapped as he slid the ring on her finger and planted his lips on her forehead. He looked back at me. "Don't think I forgot you too." He said as he pulled another box out and handed it to me. I looked questionably at the box and looked up at him. "I'm your 18 year old sister. And you just proposed to my best friend. So my answers no." I said sternly. He laughed. "No. I'm not proposing, cutie pie. Open it."

I opened it to see a sapphire ring with rubies around the gold band. Val gasped when she caught a glimpse of it. "So jealous.." She mumbled. I smiled. It was Frankie's and I's birthstones. I was born September 16th and he was born in July 5th. I slipped it on my right ring finger and looked at it in sunlight. "Frankie.. This is amazing! Thank you so much." I said and managed to snake my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. "You need to let me borrow that ring sometime." Val joked. I looked at her. "This ring is a present from my brother. I will keep it on as long and as often as I can and be buried with it when I eventually die. IT IS A TREASURE FROM MY PRECIOUS FANNY!!!" I said so seriously.

I looked back and Frankie and he had a horrified look on his face. "You told her about the fanny name?" He croaked. Val nodded. "About how she couldn't say r's." She said. I giggled. "Sorry. She asked."

I slipped back into the back seat and buckled. So did Val as he sped off out of the parking lot and onto the highway and we got back to the pack sooner than when we drove to school this morning. I gasped at what I saw. "This cant, cant, CANT be happening." I muttered.

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