Chapter 3

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Member's of one of the most dangerous packs, Black Bird, stood outside Alpha Red's house and stood at the door with their backs turned to it. "What are they doing there?!" Frankie gritted through his teeth and stopped the car and got out. "Frankie no!" I said as I tried grabbing his arm but he was too fast and was half way towards them before I knew it.

Val and I hopped out and followed him. "Let me in, this instant! I am the beta of this pack and I will stand next to my alpha while yours speaks to him!" He growled at the first person he saw. Who was twice the size of him and looked like he could squash Frankie like a bug. "Don't get cocky, young man." The man said and moved out of the way and caught a glimpse of us. "I'm guessing you fine, young ladies wanna join lil baby here?" He purred as he circled around us. I could see lust in his eyes.

Frankie growled. "Stay away from my younger sister and my mate!" He ordered. The guy stopped and growled back, baring his fangs. "Watch your attitude, towards me, pup." He snapped. "DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING CALL MY MATE A PUP OR A LITTLE BABY AGAIN, YOU IGNORANT BASTARD!!" Val snapped and attacked the man, pinning him to the ground. He made a light clicking noise with his tongue, like he was intrigued by Val being on top of him. "Little girl wants to tango. I'll show you how." He purred as he gripped her hips.

I kicked him in the side and he groaned in pain as he let go of Val. "That's my best friend and future sister. So if you don't mind please don't do stupid shit that could have you killed by me or my beta brother." I told him, helped Val up, and turned on my heel and and we both followed Frankie into the Alpha's house.

I was never inside it because I never thought I would be able to. So walking in uninvited felt like I didn't care I was waltzing in. I heard Alpha Red screaming something but I wasn't sure what. Frankie stoped us. "You two wait here. I'll be back in a second." He told us and walked into what I'm assuming is Alpha Red's office.

Frankie left the door partially cracked. I bit my lip, wondering if I could get a sneak peak of what was happening. But before I took a step Val enveloped me in her arms. "Nope." She said flatly and wouldn't let go. "Oh come on Val. I wasn't really gonna." I pouted and huffed. She giggled and hugged me more. "Do what? I was just hugging my best friend and lil sister." She smiled. I glared at her. "I'm only a year younger than you." I sighed. She shrugged. "You're still younger. It be a difference if we were the same age. Then I'd call you my twin." She giggled again.

Just then, my head started swimming. I brought my hands up to my head. "Hey are you okay?" Val asked in my ear. I nodded. "I think I need to sit down. All of a sudden I feel dizzy." I gasped as I almost fell. Luckily Val's arms were still around me so she caught me before I actually hit the ground. "Hey there. It's okay." She cooed and helped me lay on a couch.

I slowly went in out of consciousness. Probably not the best decision to not eat anything other than a sticky bun today. "It's okay." I heard Val coo as I slowly passed out.

Francis point of view

"What seems to be the problem?" I ask as I close the door to Alpha Red's office. "Just an argument, young beta. No need to worry." Black Bird's Alpha, Mordecai said with a small smile. I looked at Alpha Red who was red in the face. "Sir?" I questioned. He shook his head. "I don't care what you can do to me, Mordecai. But I won't let you stomp on in here like you run the place and tell me how to run my own pack!" He snapped.

Mordecai looked at Alpha Red and growled. "Well keep them away from Black Bird next time. So I won't have to." He growled more as, I'm assuming his beta, threw one of our pack members at Alpha Red. The guy who had the boy was probably 19 or 20, jet black hair, a muscular body, had mocha skin, and dark brown eyes. Alpha Red caught the young boy in his arms and soothed his shaking body. "I-I'm sorry-y s-sir-r." The young boy, no older than 10, said to Mordecai. "I-I got lost f-from-m m-m-my mommy-y in the woods-s, s-s-s-sir." He stuttered more and started to shake again. He had tears brimming his already puffy eyes and he sniffled. "See. He's sorry! Just go, Mordecai." Alpha Red said.

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