Coconut Sharks

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Crap!" Tyler yelled running down the steps of the pier and into the water, searching around for it before it got carried out to the ocean

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Crap!" Tyler yelled running down the steps of the pier and into the water, searching around for it before it got carried out to the ocean. Because it was so dark though, he couldn't find it. Tyler suddenly heard another large splashing noise and looked up seeing a shadow of a fin of some sort in the distance.

Oh my god there was shark.

"I'm sorry little uke." Tyler said running back out of the water and onto the shore. Bummed he kicked at the sand before going back to the beach house and promptly passing out on his bed.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" Brendon yelled jumping up and down on Tyler's bed. Tyler groaned and rolled over, causing Brendon to jump on his ribs.

"Ow ow ow okay I'm awake!" Tyler groaned and laughed as he go out of bed. Mark was already in the kitchen making breakfast and handed Tyler and Brendon a plate who both dug in.

"Okay so what are we gonna do today?" Brendon asked mouth stuffed with bacon. Tyler laughed and Mark shook his head but grinned.

"There's supposedly a really good ice scream shop across the way. It's like famous for their double chocolate death brownie flavor or whatever it's called." Mark said then bit into his piece of toast.

"Nice death by chocolate." Brendon said hopping off the chair at the island table and running to this room to get dressed.

"Ice cream right after breakfast?" Tyler smiled and Mark hopped off his seat.

"Hell yeah man." Mark said putting on his flip flops.

As they walked down the street the bright light shone on their skin, already beginning to give them tans even though they had only been outside for a little while.

They went into the ice cream shop shivering slightly at the decrease in temperature. Tyler got vanilla and Mark and Brendon decided to try the "death by chocolate."

"Why're you so plain?" Brendon asked looking at Tyler who was licking on his vanilla cone.

"Don't diss vanilla okay? It's really good." Tyler said giving Brendon a playful shove as they walked back down to the beach.

"Yo there's that weird guy again." Brendon said motioning to the beach to where Josh was laying out on a towel, reading a book.

"Don't call him that he's just different." Tyler said rolling his eyes and walking up to the pink haired boy who was lost in his book.

"Hey Josh." Tyler said. "You remember Brendon, this is my other friend Mark." Tyler said and Mark gave a small wave. Josh looked up and squinted before standing up, wiping the sand off his knees.

"Hello." The pink haired boy said quietly. "Do you guys like the beach so far?" He asked.

"Yeah it's great. It's really secluded, nobody really comes out here." Brendon said taking the last few bites from his cone.

Josh nodded. "Yeah that's why I like it, it's quiet out here."

"I lost my ukulele last night though, which kind of sucks. If someone else was around I probably could've borrowed a boat or something." Tyler said and sighed. "I dunno if it's safe to swim at night anymore I saw a shark when I went to go get it."

"A shark are you freaking sure?" Mark said surprised. "That's really odd."

"What did you see?" Josh said suddenly really interested in the supposed shark that Tyler saw last night.

"I saw this massive fin in the water. It was dark though so I guess it could have been anything." Tyler shrugged and finished his ice cream.

"Wanna go for a swim scaredy-cats?" Brendon said pulling off his shirt and already running towards the water. "Last one in is a chicken!"

"No fair!" Mark said quickly eating the rest of his cone before darting in after Brendon.

Tyler grabbed at Josh's arm. "Come on!" He said but Josh didn't budge, his feet staying firmly planted on the sand.

"I-I can't." Josh said taking a step back from the tan brunette.

"What? Why?" Tyler asked turning to look at Brendon and Mark already wrestling in the water.

"I'm scared of water. Like deathly scared." Josh said sitting back down on the towel and hugging his knees. Tyler's brow furrowed. He'd never met someone with hydrophobia before.

"Oh." Was all Tyler said and sat down next to him. "That's okay. Why do you live on the beach though?" He asked tilting his head.

"I wasn't my choice." Josh said and shrugged. "I'm sorry about you're ukulele."

Tyler was surprised as how Josh seemed to be just as upset about his small instrument as he was. "It's alright I guess. I'll just save up and buy another one."

It was quiet for a moment and Josh starting humming softly. The tune sounded familiar. Suddenly Tyler snapped his head to looked at the pink haired boy. "What are you humming?"

Josh's face flushed a bit and he started to get up. "Nothing, just something I guess I heard." He said getting up and grabbing his towel.

"Did you hear me on the rock last night?" Tyler said a bit spooked. He hadn't seen the boy anywhere.

"I-I didn't mean to I just kinda heard some if it and it's really good Tyler." Josh said clutching onto the sandy towel and looking at the ground. Tyler felt bad for acting so defensively.

"It's alright. Just don't spy on me anymore alright?" Tyler said and smiled at the boy looking at the ground. Josh looked up and smiled a bit.

Brendon and Mark came running out of the water, Brendon tackling Tyler into the sand. Both boys were dripping with water.

"I have to go." Josh said suddenly backing up a few paces. Tyler didn't get a chance to say goodbye because when he finally got up and brushed himself off Josh was already halfway down the beach.

"You were right Brendon he is kinda strange." Mark said putting his hands on his hips before turning to walk into the house.

"He's not okay? He has a severe fear of water." Tyler said and rolled his eyes before walking with the other two to the house.

"Look who keeps defending the strange boy." Brendon grinned and winked at Tyler causing him to blush.

"Tyler you're blushing." Mark taunted as they went in the house. Brendon went to the fridge and grabbed some food.

"Shut up." Tyler grumbled and sat on the couch. He had come out senior year, and his parents weren't necessarily happy about it but now that he had graduated and gotten his own job they couldn't tell him what to do. Tyler planned on moving out as soon as he got back from his vacation.

"I think someone has a crush." Brendon said sitting next to him and making kissing noises.

"Stawp you guys." Tyler said blushing more and shoving his face into the couch pillow. "Okay he is kinda cute."

"Ooooooooooh." Mark and Brendon cooed at the same time and laughed as Tyler groaned in annoyance.

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