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Warning of brief alcohol use, vomiting, and distress

"Can I get another shot!" Brendon yelled over the loud music

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"Can I get another shot!" Brendon yelled over the loud music. A girl in a small bikini came up with a tray and Brendon grabbed one downing it quickly. Tyler smiled and took another shot as well, seeing Mark across the beach dancing around the giant bonfire.

"Man he is really getting into it." Brendon laughed as he pulled out his phone and began recording it. Tyler giggled drunkenly. The group of teens around the bonfire were dancing along to music, many of them with drinks in their hands. Tyler had never been to a beach party but it was fun.

"Let's go -hic- swimming." Brendon said drunkenly pulling Tyler along with him who giggled as he dragged him to the pier. Tyler was still in his shirt but he was too drunk to care. They both wrestled a bit before they fell into the warm water.

Tyler sank into the ocean, feeling the dark liquid seep around him and he smiled under the surface. Suddenly he felt his back hit the soft sand at the bottom. His lungs heaved. Air. He forgot he needed air.

Bubbles escaped his mouth as he drunkenly thrashed around trying to get back to the surface. He hadn't realized how much he had drank. Tyler's arms and legs became tired as he kicked, trying to break through to the surface.

His body acting in survival mode and needing air, he automatically inhaled and got a mouth full of salt water. The edges around his vision became black as he began sinking again. This was it, this was how was going to go.

Could be worse he thought to himself.

Tyler felt the water around him move and looked around and saw......pink? What would be pink down here?

Then his consciousness slowly slipped away.

"Tyler! Tyler breath!" He heard loudly. Ow, why did death hurt? This didn't feel right. Something slammed against his chest and he jerked up, throwing up the copious amounts of saltwater he inhaled.

He inhaled jaggedly and felt arms wrap around him in a hug.

"Oh thank God we thought you were gone." Brendon said slapping Tyler on his back to help him cough up the rest of the saltwater. Tyler finally got a good breath and saw a can of sprite being thrusted in front of him. He took it and sipped it slowly, feeling the burning in his throat melt away from the sugary soda.

"I-I guess I drank a little too much." Tyler said breathing normally again, hiccuping a bit.

"Hell we didn't even know where you went. The tide must have washed you up." Mark said putting a towel over Tyler.

"I think I saw something out there." Tyler said his eyebrows creasing, trying to recall his blurry memories before blacking out. "It was....pink."

Brendon and Mark looked at eachother and then back at Tyler. "What do you mean?" Mark asked.

"I have no idea, I just saw pink whispy stuff." Tyler said. His memory lurched and suddenly something shiny appeared in his memory bank. "Holy shit I saw a tail."

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