Mermen Still Have Dicks

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Tyler awoke next to Josh on the soft mossy bed and stretched, his blue tail unfurling

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Tyler awoke next to Josh on the soft mossy bed and stretched, his blue tail unfurling. He was startled at first at not feeling his legs before remembering. Josh was laying next to him, his red tail intertwined with his blue one.

Tyler smiled and began leaving soft kisses on Josh's cheek, nose, ear, until the redhead woke up giggling.

"Good morning." Tyler said still giving Josh lovingly sweet kisses on his face.

"Alright I'm up!" Josh said in a fit of giggles, rolling around so he could lay on top of Tyler, their tails still wrapped up together.

"I like that I can hold you like this." Tyler smiled, his tail giving Josh's a light squeeze. Josh nuzzled his head against Tyler's chest and sighed contentedly.

Tyler tilted Josh's head up so he could kiss him, soon their mouths tangling  with one another's as they clung to each other. Josh whined softly when Tyler began leaving love bites down his neck and chest.

"T-Tyler wait." Josh panted out but it was too late, the redhead was already aroused; and unlike when he was human where clothes would hide his erection, there was nothing to hide his desire.

Tyler smirked as he ran his hand down Josh's torso where his tail met his skin, and his length was now painfully obvious.

"Don't be embarrassed baby." Tyler said as he wrapped his hand around Josh's length and began stroking him slowly. Josh's grip around Tyler's tail tightened as he bit his lip and moaned softly.

"P-please fuck me." Josh moaned out and Tyler smiled before stopping his movements causing an irritated whine from Josh.

"I'm gonna need you to help me alright baby, I don't know what to do." Tyler said and Josh gripped Tyler's hand before guiding it to the back of his tail. Tyler's fingers ran across a softer patch of scales that gave way to Josh's entrance.

Josh sputtered out profanities as Tyler began pumping his fingers in and out of the redhead, his tail squeezing Tyler's every now and then. They kissed again, Tyler flipping Josh over so he was laying on his stomach on the mossy bed.

"Ready baby?" Tyler murmured into Josh's ear. Josh nodded and moaned out as he felt Tyler sink into him, the water around them making their movements slower.

Their tails wrapped around one another's tightly and their hands intertwined as their bodies moved together. Tyler ran his hand across Josh's abdomen before going lower and stroking him slowly.

"T-tyler I-" Josh groaned out as he came, white seeping into the water around them. Tyler bit his lip as he felt Josh tighten around him and emptied himself inside of the redhead.

White floated around them in the water and Tyler watched it dissipate before turning to Josh. "That was different."

Josh let out a soft laugh and nodded. "Was it a good different?"

"Oh definitely." Tyler said kissing him on the cheek. Suddenly there was a light knock at the door.

"Your majesty breakfast is ready." A maid said on the other side of the door. Josh stretched before looking at Tyler.

"You hungry?" The redhead asked.

"Course." Tyler said and they both went down to the lower part of the castle where the kitchen was. Part of it had a pocket of air so they could eat food without the obvious problems occurring.

Josh surfaced first and propped his elbows on the table, Tyler following suit.

"Hello Tyler I'm so glad you're joining us now." Laura Dun said when she appeared for breakfast. Soon the rest of the Dun family was swimming in from all sides, clamoring around the table. It took them a minute, but after a beat Jordan noticed an extra tail.

"Is that Tyler?" Jordan said and Josh's siblings ceased their conversations to stare directly at the brunette. His face blushed under the eye contact.

"You have a really pretty tail." A smaller voice said breaking the silence. It was little Abigail with a bright pink tail.

"Thank you." Tyler said and his face turned redder. Josh smiled and wrapped his arm around Tyler's waist.

"So like since Josh can break the laws and stuff does that mean-"

"Absolutely not Ashley, Tyler is a special case you know that." Bill said appearing at the table. Ashley pouted and crossed her arms but gave Tyler a small smile. It was the first time she had been nice towards the brunette.

Soon the food was served and it was mostly what Tyler was expecting. Mostly seafood with different kinds of seaweed. Josh convinced Tyler to try some and he ate it, surprised at how good it tasted.

"Hey dad Tyler and I, well, we want to get married." Josh said and Laura gasped and smiled looking at Bill. All the children's eyes looked expectantly at their father, and Tyler finally looked up at Bill who was silently chewing his food.

"Don't you have something to ask me Tyler?" Bill said looking at Tyler who swallowed nervously.

"Will you allow me to have your son in marriage?" Tyler asked. The room was silent for a few beats.

"Oh for heaven's sake Bill! Of course you can Tyler." Laura said and everyone turned to gape at Laura Dun.

"Laura at least let me seem somewhat intimidating." Bill sighed and then just nodded along with what Laura said.

"Yes?" Tyler asked and Bill sighed.

"Yes you can get married." Bill said and Josh squeezed Tyler into a tight hug.

"Thank you!" Josh said before hugging his mother then his father.

"You know what that means though Joshua?" Bill said seriously, Josh turning back to his father with a questioning look on his face.

"What dad?" He asked.

"It means you will be the new king Joshua, and so will Tyler." Bill said and Josh's smile faded and he swallowed.

"It'll be okay Josh. I'll be there with you every step of the way." Tyler said encouragingly and Josh smiled slightly again before linking his hand with Tyler's.

"I think that's great dad." Josh said confidently, giving Tyler's hand a squeeze.

"That's excellent son." Bill smiled at them. "I'll finally get to step down. This job really ages you, you know?" He joked.

"You're not that old dad." Josh said and his father chuckled.

"I have faith you'll do just fine." Bill said.

"Me too." Tyler said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"We three!" Ashley, Jordan, and Abigail all chimed in.

"As do I Joshua, you're both going to be fine Kings." Laura said and smiled.

Everyone laughed a bit before returning to their breakfast.

a/n: honestly I had to be really stoned to write that merman smut scene idk if I'll be doing that again lol ever

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