Love Me

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Josh was swimming as fast as he could to the castle

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Josh was swimming as fast as he could to the castle. He hadn't been home in a while, so he wasn't prepared for what he saw. Merpeople were swarmed outside of the castle, yelling angrily in mobs. When one saw Josh, he immediately turned on him.

"BETRAYOR! YOU LEFT YOUR OWN KIND FOR A HUMAN!" The merman shouted. Everyone took notice and began swarming in on the prince. He pushed them away as he tried to get by.

"You and your family should be overthrown for lying to us!" Another mermaid yelled and Josh's chest heaved as he tried not to panic. They weren't moving, if anything more of them were closing in on him. Josh was close to having a panic attack.

"ENOUGH!" A loud voice boomed
through the water, causing a ripple to run through. Everyone ceased and looked towards the castle door to see the King in the doorway, scepter in hand. He looked tired and upset. Guards went through the crowd and picked up Josh, swimming with him inside the castle.

"Now look what you've done! You call yourselves loyal until something gets rocky and then you just burst at the chance to uproar! If you anyone comes with a mile of castle grounds they will be arrested! Now go to your homes." Bill said angrily, slamming his scepter on the marble before turning and going back in. Josh inhaled shakily and tried to calm down as the guard still clutched his arm tightly.

"Are you alright?" Josh's father asked and he just nodded slowly, bottom lip still shaking slightly. "Just breathe remember?" Bill said patting Josh's back gently to comfort him.

"W-what's going on dad?" Josh asked after his heart stopped racing.

"There's something I've kept from you. It's been passed down through generations of our family and it's ours to protect." Bill said turning and swimming up the hallway, expecting Josh to follow so he did.

"What is dad?" Josh asked, his tail trailing behind him gracefully as he followed his father.

"There's a special type of plant that grows out there Josh." Bill said going into the library. The library was the only part that was not in water, it was an underwater cave with a pocket of air. Bill and Josh  surfaced and talked to a servant who was on the rocky shore. Josh watched as his father was given a scroll. He unrolled it and motioned for Josh to read as well.

"This is what we've been protecting." Bill said and Josh began reading the fancy script written on the thick worn paper.
Josh noticed it was a recipe of some kind, with a drawing of a funny looking sea plant. In bright red words at the bottom in loopy letters it read:

This plant of northern origins, if prepared the correct way, can permanently transform a merperson into a human. As it can change merpeople, we have also found that it can permanently change humans into merpeople as well.

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