Got A Secret

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a/n: lowkey angry that there aren't many merman gifs online.

"Hey man where've you been?" Brendon asked when Tyler finally made it through the door

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"Hey man where've you been?" Brendon asked when Tyler finally made it through the door. Mark was sitting with him at the island eating.

"I've been at Josh's. His mom asked me to stay for dinner." Tyler said playing with his hair.

"Dude seriously? That's great!" Mark said and Brendon just pouted.

"You got better food than burgers? Dude." Brendon said and Tyler laughed. Of course Brendon would ask if he had better food.

"Yeah it was lobster." Tyler said and Brendon got up and began chasing Tyler around the house while the tan boy tauntingly yelled lobster at him.

They eventually ended up on the couch playing video games to sort out their argument until they fell asleep next to one another. The moon shone brighter than usual that night.


Josh stood on the pier and sighed. His family had come back from his father's hours ago but for some reason Josh felt he was being pulled back home. He did miss it and was growing tired of hiding out on land. His mother forbid him to go in the water without her. For once though Josh just didn't care. Josh then backed up and dove off the pier and into the black water below.

Tyler had woken up before Mark and Brendon, mostly because Brendon had kicked him awake by accident. Tyler scowled and decided to go for a walk with his ukulele. The moon was nice tonight. He grabbed his small instrument and walked out the door quietly, heading down the beach. He got to the pier and he almost had a panic attack at what he saw. Josh was standing on the edge of the pier, before suddenly diving into the ocean.

Josh had a fear of water, he probably can't swim. Why was he diving into the ocean? Tyler broke into a run and skidded to a stop at the edge of the pier. Where was he?

"Josh!" Tyler yelled and his hands started trembling when he didn't see any sign of him anywhere. He might be drowning. Tyler kicked his shoes and took his shirt off before diving into the water, the darkness surrounding him. Tyler swam frantically, trying to get as deep as possible. Nothing, even a slimmer of pink hair. Oh god. Tyler resurfaced and swam out, yanking his shoes back on before sprinting down the beach to Josh's house.


Josh dried his hair off while walking through his back door, finally completely dry. He had needed that. Josh loved swimming at night and it was super easy to just swim back home.

"Where have you been?" Laura said sitting at the kitchen table. Josh froze.

"I uh, I was out walking again." Josh said hoping his mom wouldn't know what he was really doing.

"What have I told you? It's getting too risky especially since your new friend lives right down the beach." Laura said getting up. There was a sudden harsh rapping on the door making Josh jump out of his skin.

Laura glared at Josh before she opened the door. Tyler stood on the other side panting and exhausted.

"Mrs. Dun Josh went into the water and I went after him but I coul..." Tyler trailed off when he saw Josh standing a few feet inside the door. He looked confusedly back and forth between Josh and his mother.

"What is it dear? Josh has been here all night." Laura said and Josh twiddled with his hair nervously.

"No he couldn't have been I saw him on the pier!" Tyler said adamantly.

"I'm sorry dear but you must be mistaken. Besides Josh never learned how to swim, he would never go swimming." Laura said sweetly still. Tyler stood there not knowing what to say. Did he really not see Josh?

"Let me talk to him mom." Josh said quietly and Laura shook her head.

"You have to go to bed you have a big day tomorrow." Laura said and Josh looked at her confused. He didn't have anywhere to be tomorrow. "Is that all Tyler? Are you okay?" She asked.

Tyler just nodded and just began walking away down the steps. Josh wanted to run after him but his mother closed the door and glared at him.

"Sit and talk. Now." She ordered and Josh had no choice but to do it.


Another week went by and Tyler hadn't seen Josh. Brendon and Mark kept trying to console him but nothing worked, especially when they all walked by the flower shop and the "on vacation" sign was out and it didn't look like anyone was home. Tyler knocked anyway but nobody answered.

Another week and Tyler was a mess. It was three in the morning and he could do nothing but sit on the pier until sunrise. He convinced himself that it couldn't have been Josh. Was he going insane? He had been taking his medication and so far it had been working. Tyler didn't understand what was going on.

One morning though was different from the rest. Tyler sat at the pier again, the sun barely up yet leaving a chill in the air. He had been out there all night.

"Tyler?" A soft voice said and Tyler thought he had imagined it until he turned around. Josh stood there until Tyler scrambled up and stood a few feet from him. Josh swallowed and he looked like he might cry.

Before Tyler could say anything Josh hugged him tightly, nearly knocking the breath out of him. Tyler didn't care though.

"What happened?" Tyler asked when Josh finally pulled away. Josh looked down the beach and back at Tyler.

"I can't tell you." Josh said and before Tyler got upset he grabbed his hand. "B-but I can show you."

Tyler looked confused as Josh walked to the edge of the pier, tugging Tyler along with him. Josh's hands were trembling as he stared at the water below.

"You don't have t-"

"Yes I do Tyler. I'm tired of lying to you. I don't care what my family says." Josh said and with that he let go of Tyler's hand and jumped off the pier.

Tyler stood there confused for a moment as he watched Josh. The water around him began to bubble and swirl in odd and unnatural ways.

"Josh? Josh?!" Tyler screamed, not receiving a reply. Tyler jumped off the pier after him, in case Josh was having some kind of episode and still needing saving.

Tyler sank below the dark blue surface but caught flashes of pink. As he sank lower he looked up towards the surface, seeing Josh's silhouette. Tyler's eyes dragged down Josh's body until he saw what was wrong.

Josh had a bright pink tail where his legs should be.

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