Underwater Wedding

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Tyler stretched and yawned, his tail unfurling from Josh's loose grasp. It was the day of the wedding and if he was honest, he was nervous as hell. He sat up on the soft plant bed and remembered when they made the announcement.

"Merpeople of the Dun kingdom, we call you here for the announcement of the engagement between the Prince Joshua William Dun and Tyler Robert Joseph. Because of this marriage, the king is stepping down, allowing his son and future son in law to be the new heirs to the throne. Signed by his Majesty." The courier read out over the large crowd.

There were tons of murmurs and confused looks and a lot of scrunched up faces. Tyler was nervous and this time tried hiding behind Josh, even though they were still in plain view being up on the balcony of the castle.

"But he's not even a real merperson!" Someone shouted from the crowd followed by a few agreeing noises.

"Tyler is just as much of a merperson as you are! He has a tail, his body is the same as ours. He's done everything he could to keep us safe and keep us from war! When will you accept him?" Josh said authoritatively but also very pissed off. "If this continues then I will leave and marry him on land!" He said.

An uproar of no's came from the crowd as he said this, many of them shouting apologies. They loved their prince, and couldn't imagine him leaving.

"Then it's settled. I will marry Tyler. Thank you." Josh said irritatedly before turning into the castle, a sad Tyler following behind him.

"Josh what's wrong?" Tyler asked and gently gripped his arm. "Talk too me."

"I don't I'm just so fed up with them!" Josh said angrily. "We've done so much for them and they say they're all for equality but when I bring a human who isn't even human anymore back and say I want to marry him....it shouldn't even be their decision!" Josh said and flicked his tail frantically, knocking it harshly against the wall.

"Josh baby please calm down c'mere." Tyler said softly and took Josh's face in his hands, rubbing soothing circles on his temple with his thumbs. "Breathe sweetheart."

Josh inhaled slowly, then exhaled before looking at Tyler and smiling his familiar smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Don't worry about them. I love you." Tyler smiled back before kissing Josh on his nose, causing the redhead to giggle. "Does your tail hurt?" He asked.

"Hm? Oh no I think I cracked the wall." Josh said suddenly mortified by his actions and running a hand across the crack in the wall.

"We all get upset baby it's fine." Tyler said grabbing his hand and kissing it. "I think your mom wanted to talk about wedding details.

"Oh that's right." Josh said now distracted, letting Tyler drag him to the throne room where his mother sat.

"Tyler?" Josh said groggily, snapping Tyler out of his memories and looking at a sleepy Josh. "I-I don't feel well."

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