Cake By the Ocean

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It was the day before Josh's birthday and Tyler was in the kitchen with Brendon and Mark trying to make a cake

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It was the day before Josh's birthday and Tyler was in the kitchen with Brendon and Mark trying to make a cake.

"What kind did you get?" Brendon said picking up the box.

"Just white, I don't know if he likes chocolate." Tyler said and Brendon made a face.

"Who doesn't like chocolate?" Brendon said getting out more ingredients.

"They exist forehead now help me and shush." Tyler said and looked over at Mark who was already mixing all of the wet ingredients together.

"So why aren't we celebrating tomorrow?" Mark asked as he whisked things together.

"Something about him needing to be in the water all day in case he molts." Tyler said thinking back to when Josh explained it.

"That's kinda weird." Mark said and Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Out of everything that's what's weird here?" Tyler smirked and threw a handful of flour at Mark.

The powder hit his back getting basically everywhere and Brendon laughed.

"I know you just did not." Mark said slowly turning around. Tyler was in a fit of giggles.

"Oh but I di-" Tyler was cut off when an egg smacked him on the side it his face, the gooey inside dripping down his cheek. "Ew!!!" He yelled and picked up an egg, throwing it back at Mark.

Mark dodged at the last second and it ended up colliding with Brendon's forehead.

"Oh snap Brendon I didn't mean to hit you!" Tyler laughed, seeing the egg on him.

Soon all three boys were running around the kitchen tossing flour and eggs at one another making a huge mess.

"Alright we bake it for an hour so I think we should probably clean up." Tyler said when they actually got done. Looking around the kitchen it was littered in flour, eggs, and so much more.

"Yeah I still got egg in my hair." Mark grumbled picking out some shells. They began the process of cleaning the kitchen and then went to go clean themselves up.

Tyler showered then got out and screamed pulling the curtain back around him automatically.

"Geez hello to you too." Josh said sitting on the toilet seat waiting for Tyler to get out. "It smells good in the kitchen."

Tyler relaxed and began drying off and smiled. "You can't just sneak up on me like that, also yeah cause we're making you a cake."

"I can't wait." Josh said following Tyler into his bedroom and watched him get dressed.

"Are you still worried about tomorrow?" Tyler asked while pulling on his clothes.

"A little." Josh said honestly. Tyler dried the rest of his hair before pulling Josh into a hug.

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