Naked Backflips

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Josh watched Tyler play his ukulele on the bed, the brunette sighing softly

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Josh watched Tyler play his ukulele on the bed, the brunette sighing softly.

"It's been a week and we haven't come up with any ideas." Tyler said angrily plucking at the small instrument in his hands.

"Tyler don't be upset." The pink haired boy said softly and Tyler stopped and tossed his instrument on the bed. There was knock at the door and Brendon opened it a few seconds after.

"Hey guys I just got us invited to this killer yacht party. We should go." The raven haired boy said sticking his head in through the door.

"We're kinda busy dude." Tyler said getting up and trying to shove Brendon's forehead out the door.

"Geez alright. Meet me on the pier at ten if you change your mind!" Brendon said finally letting Tyler close the door.

Josh laughed, his tongue peeking out from his teeth. It was adorable.

"Maybe you should go Tyler we've been busy all week." Josh said and Tyler ran his fingers through his hair in thought.

"I don't know. Only if you go with me." Tyler said and Josh's smiled dropped.

"Tyler what if I get water on me." He said and the brunette just shrugged.

"We'll be surrounded by water you can jump overboard if anything happens. It's not gonna be unusual seeing people dive over I'm sure." Tyler got up and crossed to his closet. He decided to keep wearing his swim trunks and just a button up shirt since it was warm and he was most likely getting wet.

"Are you sure it'll be okay?" Josh asked and Tyler nodded.

"I got your back. Or your fin. Whatever happens I'll be there." Tyler said and Josh smiled getting up and hugging the tan boy close.

"Thanks." The pink haired boy smiled and kissing Tyler's cheek and they were wrapped in a tight embrace until the door opened and Brendon walked in.

"Dude it's gonna have a water slide. A freaking water slide!" Brendon said and Tyler let go of a confused Josh and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah you had me at yacht." Tyler said and Brendon did a thumbs up before leaving the room again.

"Why is there water in the boat?" Josh asked as they walked up the ramp leading do the big yacht in front of them.

"It's called a pool. It's like swimming without the ocean. Only there's chemicals cause a lot of people swim in it and the more I talk the more I wonder why pools exist." Tyler explained which more than likely just confused Josh more.

Brendon went in front of them and a burly looking guy gave them a once over before checking something off a list and stepping aside letting them aboard.
Bright lights flashed everywhere as girls and boys dressed in bathing suits were dancing and drinking everywhere you looked.

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