Part Of The Family

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Josh didn't know what to say, he just stayed silent and kept Tyler's hand in a death grip

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Josh didn't know what to say, he just stayed silent and kept Tyler's hand in a death grip.

"I don't even know how I'm going to be able to fix this." Bill said irritatedly as he motioned to Tyler.

"There's nothing to fix! He's one of us now, if anything it fixed the problem we had." Josh said and Bill sighed.

"And what problem would that be? The problem that you're with a human? Right of course." Bill said crossing his arms.

"He's not a human anymore! Now everything is fixed and maybe-" Josh glanced at Tyler and his voice became quieter "we can get m-married."

Tyler's heart lurched when he heard Josh talk about marrying him. If the brunette was honest, he hadn't been far off from asking the question. He knew he wanted Josh forever.

"Marriage? Josh that's practically blasphemous. Do you think our people will accept Tyler as their ruler? No, they won't even consider him a merperson let alone their ruler." Bill said matter of factly.

Josh wanted to retaliate but he couldn't, because he knew his father was right. He realized that their kingdom would probably never completely trust Tyler as their ruler, and trust between a ruler and their people is very important.

"Now what we're going to do is take Tyler and look for a reverse serum recipe and-"

"No." Tyler said firmly, cutting Bill off.

"Excuse me?" Bill said.

"I said no. Everyone is talking about what happens to me and the causes and effects, but I'm right here and I would like to speak." Tyler said angrily. Josh reached over and gave Tyler hand a soft squeeze which made him relax. He had to remember he was talking to his king now.

Bill sighed and rubbed his face frustratedly before nodding and waving his hand. "You can speak."

"I've been through a lot recently and I think I speak for both of us when I say we're just tired. Can't we just leave things like they are? They're fixed and this way I can be with Josh forever. That's all I ever want." Tyler said and then glanced at Josh. "But if I have to change again to be with him forever then I will." He stated.

Josh's eyes widened and if he could cry underwater he probably would be right now. "I love you." The redhead said while holding onto Tyler's arm lazily.

"Love you too." Tyler smiled and kissed Josh's temple.

"I'm just about as fed up with this whole situation as anyone, trust me. I'm just doing what I think is best for my people but...I should be doing what is best for my son." Bill said and Josh's eyes lit up.

"C-can he stay?" Josh asked, his nerves practically buzzing with excitement.

"I suppose so. As of now he is a merperson and there's nothing we can do to dispute that. On the other hand though Josh, you did steal the plant."
Bill said sternly and Josh's smile faded.

"Tyler was dying I had to!" Josh said. "You would have done that for mom."

Bill was caught of guard by this but realized that yes, he would have broken every law in existence to save the love of his life. That or the life of his children. Bill sighed.

"All I can say son is that I think one day, you'll make a very wise king." Bill finally said and Josh was stunned. "And I think Tyler will be a great addition to our family."

"Thank you dad!" Josh said darting forward and hugging his dad with full force. Bill was knocked back a few feet but chuckled and hugged his son.

"Now I think you have to give someone a proper tour of our kingdom." Bill said motioned to Tyler. Josh nodded and grabbed Tyler's hand.

"I can't wait to show you everything!" Josh said excitedly, pulling a smiling Tyler behind him as they began swimming towards the kingdom. Bill and the guards followed close behind as they made their way back to the cave where the cities doors were.

"You remember what to do right?" Josh asked. Tyler shrugged and Josh rolled his eyes playfully. "Here just watch."
Josh moved a few rocks over and then pulled down the lever, then up again, then down. Finally the door opened up.

They swam into the kingdom and this time Tyler was surprised when no one seemed to be looking at them oddly, or even second glancing them. He knew it was probably because he blended in better, but if he talked to someone the brunette was sure they'd remember.

Josh first brought Tyler to the town, where businesses thrived and merpeople went about their day. It was so normal yet so strange at the same time. They went into the bookstore upon Tyler's request and the owner practically had a heart attack because Josh, the prince, had come in their shop.

The owner kept trying to give Josh free things to show his gratitude, which made the redhead blush with embarrassment as he was handed bags of books. Tyler was just grinning the whole time, a faint laugh leaving his lips when Josh did the help me signal.

Tyler swam over slowly, still getting used to the feeling of his tail, and began taking a few bags from Josh to help hold them. The bookstore owner glanced at Tyler and brushed him off at first before recognizing who he was.

"Oh my goodness. You were the human." The owner said in awe as their eyes practically dug into Tyler with fascination. Tyler's tail curled around him reflexively out of embarrassment.

Josh glared at the store owner. "That is my fiancé, you will treat him with the same respect you treat me with. Do you understand?" Josh said sternly and the owner ripped his eyes away from Tyler and gave a small bow.

"Yes, I am terribly sorry your majesty. It will not happen again." The owner said, his voice apologetic. Josh nodded before Tyler smiled at the merman.

"Thank you for your kindness. I promise I'll read all the books." Tyler said and the bookstore owner's eyes shone with happiness.

"You're very welcome your majesty! I hope you enjoy them!" He said and waved as Josh and Tyler left the small business. Tyler waved back as they went out the door.

"He called me majesty." Tyler said and Josh took Tyler's free hand and kissed it.

"You're royalty now. Speaking against you is like someone speaking against me. I won't let that happen." Josh said and Tyler's face turned pink.

"What happened to the shy boy on the beach?" Tyler teased and Josh laughed.

"Guess I'm just protective s'all." Josh said as they swam towards the castle. The redhead always felt more confident with Tyler beside him, and he wasn't going to let anyone hurt his love.

"Hey Josh?" Tyler said as they got into the castle. "I know this is kinda late, and I suppose we went about it the wrong way but..."

"But what?" Josh asked a bit nervously.

"Will you marry me?" Tyler asked and Josh flashed the biggest smile Tyler had ever seen.

"Kinda thought we already were engaged." Josh said and Tyler laughed.

"So is that a yes?" The brunette asked.

"Yes." Josh said and felt Tyler's lips press gently against his in a soft kiss.

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