Saltwater Kisses

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Tyler walked around the house with Josh trailing behind him slowly, watching the tan boy reach out his nimble and musical looking hands over the rich pink flowers

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Tyler walked around the house with Josh trailing behind him slowly, watching the tan boy reach out his nimble and musical looking hands over the rich pink flowers.

"What's this called?" Tyler said gently touching a heart shaped flower.

"Lamprocapnos spectabilis, also known as 'The Bleeding Heart' plant." Josh said as he stood next Tyler.

"It's very pretty." Tyler said looking from the flower then to Josh.

"It's one of my mom's favorites, my favorite is orchids though." Josh said and realized Tyler was still staring at him and he blushed lightly. "What?"

"The flowers aren't the only things that are pretty in here." Tyler smirked as Josh shoved Tyler playfully who just smiled at him.

"Dinner's ready!" Laura's voice rang out as Tyler began smelling food. It smelled like seafood. Laura walked through the house turning the sign on the door to closed before beckoning them to the dining room.

Tyler followed Josh into dining area and froze as he noticed exactly how many people were at the dinner table. Josh patted the seat next to him and Tyler quickly sat down.

"Who's that?" A younger boy with curly looking hair asked.

"That's Tyler, Josh's friend." Laura said putting some bread out on the table along with a pitcher of water.

"Since when does Josh have friends?" The younger boy jeered and Laura smacked him lightly on his head.

"Behave Jordan he's your older brother." She said and walked back to the kitchen bringing out the food. It was a giant lobster along with a bowl full of noodles. There was also crab cakes on the table already. Tyler couldn't help but notice a rather sea theme.

"You guys must like the ocean." Tyler said and everyone turned to stare at him. His eyes widened and he looked down. "E-except for Josh who has a fear of water, I'm sorry."

"Josh with a fear of water? That's rich." Ashley smirked and Josh glared at her. Tyler glanced at Josh.

"They like poking fun at me about it don't worry." Josh grumbled as they began plating their food.

Tyler took the least amount possible to not be rude and ate silently while everyone else seemed to chat animatedly with each other like he wasn't there.

Suddenly Tyler felt a hand envelope his and squeeze it gently.

"Are you alright?" Josh asked and Tyler nodded slowly. "Mom may we be excused?"

"Of course dear. I hope Tyler enjoyed himself." Laura said and smiled. Tyler just nodded.

"Dinner was wonderful thanks." Tyler said and was immediately being tugged on by Josh to leave, forgetting their hands were intertwined.

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