Love at first sight

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Jack's POV

It was like I was dreaming. I've never seen anyone like him before. He's seem different from all the other guys I've met in my life. I was sitting at table in a cafe, looking over my song I was writing. I'm a very talented musician at college. As was sitting alone like I always do. Everyone in my classes though I was a loner, which was kind true. I was drinking my coffee when I saw a very good looking man walk into the cafe. He had fluffy looking black hair, a black and red flannel, skinny jeans and sneakers. I was just starring at him as a waiter lead him to an empty table. He didn't noticed luckily. I wanted him to notice me yet I also didn't. I'm  still a shy person. No friends and no family. I sighed sadly and and looked back down at my music sheet. I looked up every once in awhile to look at the beautiful man sitting alone. I started getting a bit nervous every time he looked over at me. I pulled my hoodie over my head and continued working on my music. A  waiter would come and refill my coffee. At around noon I decided to head back to my dorm. I packed all my things, paid the bill and walked back to campus. As I was walking I pulled out my phone and listened to one of my songs I've made. I then felt someone walk beside me. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw a man with a flannel. I turned my head and saw the guys from the cafe next to me. "Hi." He said in a deep voice. "Uhh hi." I said as I paused my music. "I'm Mark. I saw you in the cafe back there." He said. "Oh. Well I'm Jack." I said nervously. The guy I called good-looking is talking to me. "So what we're you working on in the cafe?" He asked. "J-just a song. I write them, then I create them." I said. "Wow that's amazing. We're you listening to one of your songs?" He asked. "Yeah. One I just finished." I said. "C-can I listen?" He asked kinda nervously. I had a hint of blush on my cheeks. "I-I guess." I said giving him an ear phone and playing my songs. He seems to be liking it. The song ended at the right time because we arrived at the college campus. "That was amazing. Your good at making music." He said smiling at me. "Thanks. Well I have to get back to my dorm. See ya." I said as I started walking. "Wait!!" He said as I turn to him. "I-I know we just met but do you think we can maybe hang out sometime?" He asked scratching the back of his neck. I smiled at him. "Y-yeah sure." I said smiling. "Well I was actually thinking of maybe we go.....on a.......... date." He quickly and blushing. I blushed even more. We just met and he's asking me on a date?! "I-Its ok if you say no. You may not be gay or-" "Yeah I'd love to go on a date with you." I said blushing and smiled at him. He smiled widely and blushed too. "Really!!? Wow ok. Ummm-" "We can go tomorrow night. I'm free." I suggested. "Yeah me too. Ok see ya tomorrow then. Here's my number." He said giving a piece of paper with his number on it. I smiled and took it. "Thanks." I said putting it in my pocket. "Ok then. See ya tomorrow night Mark." I walked up to him, stood on my toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I could feel his face heat up. I pulled away and started walking to my dorm. I looked behind me and saw him holding his cheek at the spot where I kissed him. I smiled and went to my dorm. I can't wait for our date. I love Mark. I know it sounds original but I have to say, it was love at first sight.

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