Confession Texts

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Jack's POV

I was about done with editing a video when I got a text from Mark again. He's been texting me pretty much all day. It's like he can't stop.

Markimoo❤- Hey Jack. What you doing?

Jackaboy💚- Hi Mark. I'm just finishing up on some editing. You?

Markimoo❤- Just playing with Chica.

Jackaboy💚- Why did you want to know?

Markimoo❤- Just wanted to check up on good old Jackaboy

Jackaboy💚- Wow you care that much? 😊

Markimoo❤- Of course. Gotta make sure your ok. ☺

Jackaboy💚- Thxs Mark. So why have you've been texting me all day? I know it's not just to check up on my every few hours Mark.

Markimoo❤- Oh uhhhhh

Jackaboy💚- Mark you ok?

Markimoo❤- Jack how long have we been friends?

Jackaboy💚- IDK about 3 maybe 4 years. Why?

Markimoo❤- Cause I wanted to ask you something but just don't freak out ok?

Jackaboy💚- Ok.

Markimoo❤- Ok sooo every since our first Pax Prime together I've sorta.... kinda..... been having a crush on you.

Jackaboy💚- .....

Markimoo❤- I'm soooo sorry Jack. I just couldn't help it. Your on my mind 24/7 and that's why I texted you a lot today. I love our conversations we have, I love our game plays together, I love how your so loud and energetic, how you have your incredibly adorable Irish accent, your bright green hair brings out your ocean blue eyes and how you always make me smile.

Jackaboy💚- Mark.... I really like you too. When I first fell upon your channel all thought years ago I could always picture us as more than friends. And when we did it made me feel so happy to have you in my life. You never cease to amaze me Mark. I really like you too.

Markimoo❤- Really?! OMG. You do?! YESSSS! Jack you just made my life complete. Do you think we can go out this Saturday night? 💚💚💚😊

Jackaboy💚- Yeah I'd love to. I've been waiting so long for you to say thoughs words to me. I'll see ya Saturday.
XXX ❤❤😙💕

Markimoo❤- Love you Jackaboy💚❤💚❤

Jackaboy💚- Love you too Mark💘

I can't believe Mark loves me?! This is the best day of my life. I can't wait till Saturday night.

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