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Jack's POV

Ever since we adopted Tim and Sammy Mark's been very distant. The first month we had them he was very happy and playful with them. But now he never talks to them, never plays with them and rarely sees them during the day. And same thing with me. Why is acting like this? I've been caring for them for the past month or so. And Mark is my husband for crying out loud. I love him I really do but I think he doesn't love me anyone.

The next morning when I woke up Mark wasn't in bed as usual. Tears formed in my eyes and I cried in bed. I heard the door open and I saw Tim and Sam walk through. I smiled at the sight of then Tim and Sammy are 5 year old twins. Both look similar to me. They have dark brown hair, blues eyes and my skin color, and Tim has glasses. "Hi daddy." Tim greeted me. "Hey guys." I said. "Where's papa at?" Sam asked. "I don't know." I said looking down. They crawled into bed with and hugged me. I love them so much. I hugged then back. "I miss playing with papa." Sam said. "I know. Me too." I said with my arm around them. "Does he hate us?" Tim asked. "No no no. He doesn't hate you I think he hates me." I said. "We don't hate you daddy." Sammy said smiling. I smiled back. "I know you don't. But papa does." I said. Then Tim started crying. "Why does he hate you?!" He asked. "Don't worry guys. I'll figure it out." I said. "O-ok." Tim said. "Go get dress. I'll try to talk to papa. Ok?" I asked them. "Ok love you daddy." Sammy said. "Love you too. Both of you." I said kissing their heads. They crawled out of the bed and went to their room. I grabbed my phone and called Mark. I was kinda nervous. Hello? Mark asked from the other end of the phone. "Hey Mark. Where are you?" I asked. Does it matter? He asked. "Yeah it does." I said harshly. Sean I'm busy ok? I don't have time right now. He said rudely. "Mark you can't be this busy for an entire month. What's gotten into you?!" I yelled. Jack it doesn't matter! Ok just leave me alone. Can you do that for once!? He asked me with a negative tone in his voice as he hung up. I was right he doesn't love me anymore. I should just give him some space. I got out of bed, took a quick shower and got dress. Once I was ready I went the kid's room to see them playing with each other. "Hey guy." I said peeking into their room. "Hi daddy." Sammy said happily. "Kids were going on a little trip for awhile." I said. "Why?" Tim asked. "Don't worry about it ok." I said. "O-ok." They said. "Let me help you pack." I said. We had about 3 weeks worth of clothes. We're we going to visit Felix for awhile. He met the kids before and he loved them and they loved him. I put the kids in my car and drove to the airport. Before we left I left a note for Mark on the bed. Not that he would care. We left the house around 7:00pm cause we could just sleep most of the time. When he got to the airport we got our tickets, waited about an hour to board and then we got on the plane. Once the kids were buckled in they fell asleep right away. I kissed their foreheads and sat in my seat until we took off. My thoughts were only on Mark. But it's obvious that he needed a break from us. Then I fell asleep too.

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