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Jack's POV

Todays it's just me and Mark. Every once in awhile me and Mark take a few days off to just relax with each other. And also in a frit's our 3 year anniversary of being together. I trust and love Mark. He's my everything. But right now I'm alone at or apartment. He said he had to do something really quick. And I get it he's a busy guy. So I was just on the couch reading a book on my phone. But the thing is Mark never came home when he was suppose too. I've spend most of the day just hangout at the house by myself. At around 10:00pm he finally came home. But he seemed really tired. "Hey Marki. You ok?" I asked. "I'm fine." He said. "You sure?" I asked. "Yes." He said walking up to our room. I got concern. I walked up to the room and saw that he was asleep already. I frowned, got my pj's on and layed in bed. Keeping my distance from Mark.

The next morning I woke up first. I got out of bed, took a quick shower, got dress and went downstairs to makes some coffee. I got my coffee and my laptop and went to the table. I played some games for fun until I heard Mark come down the stairs all dress and ready. "Hey Mark." I said smiling. "Hey Jacki. What you doing?" He asked. "Just playing some games. Hey where were you yesterday?" I asked. "Just running some errands. Sorry about that." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I guess it's fine. What do you want to do today?" I asked. "Whatever. But at around 3:00 I have to leave again. I have to meet Ethan really quick." He said. I frowned again. "O-ok" I said. "Hey are you mad?" He asked. "No. I actually have somethings to do later anyways." I lied. "Ok then. I'm sorry again." He said kissing my cheek. "No problem." I said smiling. He picked me up by surprise and carried me to the living room. I looked at him confusingly. "Mark what are you doing?" I asked. He didn't answer me. He just sat next to me, pulled a blanket over us and put on Netflix. I smiled at him and laid my head on his shoulder.  We ended up watching about 3 different movies until I feel asleep for about an hour or so. But when I woke up Mark was gone again. Where does he go? I have a feeling he's lying to me. I shrugged it off and went on my phone to look at Twitter. After I did that for awhile I watched a movie by myself. By the time the movie ended it was about 9:30 and Mark still wasn't back. I had a aching pain in my chest and I ended up turning everything off and going to bed earlier than usual. As I was falling asleep tears streamed down my face. Why is Mark doing this all if a sudden?

Today was me and Mark's anniversary today. I hope he'll actually spend the day with me. But unfortunately I could tell he wasn't gonna. I woke up to him gone. Again. Tears formed in my eyes again. I wiped them away and got dress. I was hoping to see Mark downstairs doing something but he wasn't. I guess I have nothing to do. I just grabbed my wallet, my phone, a beanie, my traveling backpack and a sweater and left the house. I didn't know what to do so i just walked towards town. When I was in the town I stopped by Starbucks. This usually helps me. I  when I'm upset. I ordered my drink and sat down at an empty table. I pulled out my laptop out of my backpack and checked some stuff. I heard the front door open and I saw Mark?!! With a girl?!! I pulled my beanie down and got a good look at them. He had his arm around her and she kissed him?!! Was Mark cheated on me?!! They ordered and sat down near me. Mark didn't seem to recognize me. They seemed really flirtatious with each other. They just talked and seemed to be enjoying each others company. What made me even more mad was when they kissed each other on the lips!!! I was so mad yet I was really upset and disappointed in Mark. Apparently our love wasn't meant to be. I packed up my laptop through away my empty drink and speed walked home. I was sobbing. He was cheating on me!! And on our anniversary. I quickly got home, packed most of my things including all my clothes, electronic, pictures, and some other stuff. I left Mark a long note on the counter and left to a hotel far away from the house. I drove my car to the hotel, got a room for awhile, and I just cried on the bed.

Mark's POV

I went to Starbucks with my friend Maya. We've been hangout with each other for about a month. But it's kinda gotten serious. One day she kissed me on the cheek and I just started falling for her. We've been hanging every day since. Me and her were walking to her house earlier than usual cause she has work tomorrow morning. I dropped her off and went back to my house. I noticed that Jack's car wasn't in the driveway. I was guessing he was out. I walked into the house and went to our room. I texted him asking where he was. I waited awhile and I never got a response. I tried calling and still nothing. I started to get worried. I searched the house and saw that his stuff was gone. Everything. I went downstairs and searched again. This time I noticed a note on the counter...

I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I always have. But when I saw you in Starbucks with a girl. And I saw you guys kissing and such. It's obvious that you don't love me anymore. I should of been a better boyfriend but you easily replaced me. And not trying to blame this all on you but I found out that you were cheating on me on our anniversary day. And happy anniversary by the way. I left you your gift under your pillow. I hope your life is better off without me in it. Don't even try contacting me cause I won't respond. Don't try looking for me cause I'm gone. I'm not dead or anything I'm just really disappointed in you. I love you so very much Mark, don't forget it. You have someone much better than me. I love you Mark.
~♡ Jackaboy/Sean

Oh God. I-I never gonna see Jack again. Why? Why did I even think about cheating on him. I guess I forgot all about him when I started seeing Maya. And I completely forgot that it's our anniversary today. I looked over the note and saw the part where he said he left my gift under my pillow. I ran upstairs and looked under my pillow. I saw a box. I opened it up and saw a book. It looked like a scrap book. I opened it up and the first picture made me cry. It's was the first time Jack kissed me.

It had a caption saying; Our first kiss

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It had a caption saying; Our first kiss. I made the first move. I started crying. I flipped through the book and saw so many things that made me cry. I want Jack back. I regret everything I've ever done to him. I need him in my life. I got to the last page of the book and saw something that made me burst into tears. It was a small card saying; what I was gonna ask you tonight for our anniversary dinner. "Will you marry me?" And it showed a picture of the wedding ring he was gonna give me.

 "Will you marry me?" And it showed a picture of the wedding ring he was gonna give me

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What was I thinking?!!! I'm the worst boyfriend ever. I wanted to marry Jack. I really do. And now I ruined that chance. I closed the book, rolled in bed and I cried my eyes out. I want Jack back. I miss him. I want my Jackaboy back. But I might never get him back now.

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