My Flower Boy

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Mark's POV

Me and my boyfriend were cuddling on the couch. Their were a few reasons to why I'm dating him. The number reason is because he is the cutest, most adorable boy ever. He always wears light colored clothing, an adorable flower crown, he extremely shy and he is a smart guy. I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

We were watching a movie together like we always do. Well he was. I was playing with his hair and just starring at him. "Mark what are you doing?" He asked looking up at me. "Just admiring your beauty." I said kissing his forehead. He blushed again. Everytime I kiss him he blushes. I find it cute. "How come everytime I kiss you, you blush?" I asked pulling him closer to me. "I don't know." He said fixing his flower crown. "I love you." I said. "Thank you Marki. I love you more." He said. I looked at him and his flower crown. I then got an idea. "Hey Jack?" I asked. "Yeah Marki?" He asked looking at me. "C-can you make me a flower crown?" I asked him. He smile widely and quickly got up, and ran upstairs. I was kinda confused. He came back down with something behind his back. "I made this when we started dating. I never gave it to you cause I thought you wouldn't want it. But now it's a perfect time." He said pulling out and already made flower crown. I smiled at him. "You made this for me?" I asked. He walked over to me and gave it to me. "Y-yeah. I hope you like it." He said. I smiled widely and placed it on my head. "Jack it's perfect. Your the best boyfriend ever." I said kissing him. "You are too." He said buried his face into my neck. "Your so adorable. You know that right? I asked. "I really don't think so." He said. "Don't think like that. You are in my mind." I said. "Thanks Mark." He said kissing my cheek. "I'm bored. Wanna do anything?" I asked. "I don't know. We can walk around the park?" He suggested. "Yeah. I'd love too." I said. We got up from the couch, got our shoes on and walked out. My arm was around his waist as we walked.

When we got to the park I grabbed his hand. We walked on the path all around the park. It was going good until some big guy pulled Jack by his shoulder. "Oh look. It's a gay. What the hell do you think it's ok to walk in public like this. Your disgusting." He said angerly. When Jack started crying I lost my temper. I grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, tightly. "You better apologize to him." I said with rage. "Who cares. He's a disgrace. And what are you his boyfriend?" He asked. "Hell yeah. Don't ever touch him again." I said pushing him away from me. He got mad and pushed he harder. I stumbled back and I ran into Jack. I stabled myself but Jack fell back and scraped his arm on the floor. I saw his arm and it was all red and bloody. My anger slipped out and I attacked the guy. He tried fighting back, but I was too quick. I eventually stopped and went to help Jack. He was crying as he held his bloody arm. I picked him up bridal style and ran home. We got home I set him on the couch and ran to the bathroom to grab cotton balls and dabbing alcohol. I came back to the living room and cleared his wound. "Jack I'm so so sorry." I said wrapping a bandage around his wound. "It's not your fault. You defended me." He said. "Yeah but your injured I caused that." I said. "Hey its ok." He said. "Y-you sure?" I asked. "Of course." He said kissing my cheek. "I love you Jack. I- Hey your flower crowns gone." I said worryingly. "What?! No no no no no." He said feeling his head. He then started crying. "Jack please don't cry. I-Im sorry." I said. "I-I know I'm being a big baby, crying over a flower crown. I'm sorry Mark." He said laying on my chest. I placed my crown on his head and kissed his forehead. He looked up at me and I wiped his tears away. "We can share my crown. But no matter what, you'll always be my special flower boy." I said. He starred at me and quickly laid a full kiss on my lips. He's never done this before. He's the shy guy in this relationship and he made a move. I kissed him back and played with his hair. We pulled away and placed our foreheads together. "Your the best boyfriend ever." He said. "Your better. Your my entire life Jack. Never leave me." I said. "I promise of won't." He said. I kissed him again. And he blushed again. I love my little flower boy.

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