Friend or Boyfriend

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Mark's POV

Have you ever thought someone as more of a friend? Well I have. My best friend Jack is the one I want to date. He doesn't know that bi and as badly as I want to tell him I can't. To me Jack is my everything. His gorgeous blue eyes are incredibly easy to get lost in. I can't stop starring at them. His bright green hair brings out his eyes. I mean when I got my hair dyed he said he'll do it too. How sweet of him. Of course I changed my multiple times and I'm sticking with red for awhile. Jack has the most cutest Irish accent ever. The way he says my name makes my heart flutter. I love how noticeable it is when he talks. Jack is smaller than me. He's my little leprechaun. I can't get him out of my head. Everytime I see him it reminds me of what I don't have. I want to be with him. Who doesn't?! He's perfect. But unfortunately he's not gay or bisexual. It breaks my heart to know that.


Me, Jack, Felix, Ken, Bob and Wade are heading to a cafe to have dinner. They all came over to hang out and just talk. When I picked up Jack, Ken and Felix from the airport I blushed when I saw Jack. He didn't notice and neither did the guys. We were all in the car laughing and talking. It was Felix in front, Ken and Jack were in the back. Bob and Wade were driving to the cafe in their own car so that's good. I kinda stayed quiet during the car ride. I couldn't really talk. We dropped off their luggage at my house and went to the cafe. When we got there we saw Bob and Wade sitting at a table. The seating arrangement were Bob, Wade, Ken, Felix, Me then Jack. I was sitting next to Jack! I kinda blushed when I sat next to him. I couldn't even talk. I didn't know what to say. The waiter came and took our orders. I was to nervous to day anything so I went on my phone. "Hey Mark you ok? You've been quiet the whole time." Wade asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I said. "You sure?" Jack asked. "Y-yeah of course." I said nervously. When Jack spoke I started blushing. His accent is smooth and cute. The food came and we all ate. I ordered something small. By the time we all finished it was kinda late. Bob, and Wade split the bill and got to their car. The rest of us piled into my car. This time Jack sat up front. As we were driving I would look over at Jack from the corner of my eye. He's so beautiful. We pulled up to my driveway and went inside. It was dark outside and we were all tired. We all went upstairs and got ready for bed. I had enough rooms for all the guys to sleep in. The house was quiet. Everyone was sleeping I assumed. I wasn't though. I couldn't fall asleep when Jack's in my house. I stayed in my room and played on my computer with me headphones on until around 3 in the morning. I slowly and quietly went downstairs, went outside to the porch and sat on the steps. The sun was starting to rise. I don't know why I have too have a crush on Jack? Why can't I tell him? I put my head in my hands and thought about what to do. I then heard the door open. I turned and saw Jack starring at me. He smiled and sat next to me on the step. "Mark what are you doing out here at 3 in the morning?" He asked. "Just thinking is all." I said softly. "Mark did you sleep at all?" He asked. "No." I simply said. "Ok tell me what wrong you've been quiet all day." He said with concern. "I-I can't tell you." I said looking away from him. "Mark your my best friend you can tell me anything." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "If I tell you it could ruin everything." I said sadly. "Please. I'm worried about you." He said frowning at me. Did he actually mean that? I guess I have no choice. "Ok..... for the past few months I've.........been having.....feelings for you." I said looking down. I took one look at his face and he was in shock I could tell. "I'm sorry I really am. I just can't get you out of my mind. I understand if you don't want to be friends any-" I was cut off by him pulling my collar and kissing my lips. He's actually kissing me. I was in shock but I eased into to the kiss. He let go off my collar and put his arm around my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I could feel him playing with my hair. We both pulled away and panted for breath. "I feel the same way Mark. But I've liked you for a year." He said. My eyes widen. "Wow. I didn't notice?" I asked. "No but I really like you." He said. "I love you Jack." I said. "I love you too Mark. So are we a thing?" He asked. "Yes! Please." I said. He laughed. I love his laugh. "I'm officially your boyfriend Mark." He said. I pulled him closer by his waist, starred at his blue eyes and kissed him passionately on the lips. They were so soft I'd love it. He kissed me back right away. I finally did it. Sean McLoughlin is my boyfriend and I'll never let him go. That's a promise. He's so cute and adorable. I love him so much.

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