Young Love

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Jack's POV

Why did my dad have to get a new job? I loved living here in Ireland. But he said we need this. And it worst now cause it's only me and dad. We had everything packed up and we were on the plane to LA. When we our to our new house it didn't take very to take every box in. We didn't take everything with us, we put most of it in a storage space in Ireland. Since it was just me and dad I had my own room which I think I'm not ready for. I'm only 7 years old and I can easily get scared by anything. But I can handle it. My room had a bunk bed from the previous owners, was painted green, and had plenty of space for me to do whatever. Dad said that I start my new elementary school on Monday, which I'm not looking forward to. I never really like going to school cause it can get really lonely. But I guess I have no choice.

It was Monday morning at dad hasn't left yet. I got dress, packed my bag and went downstairs. My dad was dress for work and was waiting by the front door. "Come on Sean I can't afford to be late today." He said. "Ok ok I'm here let's go." I said putting my beanie on. "Ok get in the car." He said opening the front door. We walked to the car and he drove me to the school. When we got to the school I got out of the car and he drove off leaving me alone in front of the school. I nervously walked into the school and to the office. I had no idea where I was going and eventually I found the office. The nice lady at the front desk gave me my classroom number. Apparently I was in class 17 with a teacher named Ms. Tanner. I smiled at the lady and walked to the class. Unfortunately the bell rang a long time ago so I was late on the first day. When I finally got to my class the classroom was full. I shyly poked my head in. The teacher noticed me. "Oh hello. You must be Sean. Come in." She said nicely. I walked over to her slowly. "Everyone this Sean McLoughlin. He's our new student. Treat him right and with respect." She said gesturing me to the class. "Sean wanna say something?" She asked. "Uhhh hi...I'm Sean....but I prefer to be called.....J-Jack." I stuttered. "Well Jack it's nice of you to join us. How bout you go sit in the back next to Mark." She said. I looked at the only empty seat in the class and walked to it. The whole class I didn't speak to anyone. When it was recess I when to a bench, pulled out a book and started to read it. I was just sitting by myself until some guy sat next to me. I looked over and he was the guy who I sat next to in class. "Hey there. I'm Mark."
He said smiling at me. "Your Jack right? The new kid?" He asked. "Y-yeah." I stuttered. "Don't be nervous. I won't hurt you. I just wanted to say hi to you. What you doing here by yourself?" He asked. "Ummm..... I just don't know what to do." I said. "Wanna hang out? I can introduce you to my friends." He said. "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah. Come on." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. As he was holding my hand I was blushing. I never blushed before. And never around a guy. He pulled me to a group of guys by the playground. Eventually we all got to know each other and became friends. We did everything together as a group. Our group included Felix, Ken, Bob, Wade, Tyler, Ethan, Mark and me. Though, I like all the guys as friends but ever since that first day me and Mark met I've felt differently around him. I have a warm feeling in my cheeks, my stomach felt werid, I always smiled and I would stare at him without him noticing. By the time we were in 6th grade I've realized that I had a massive crush on Mark. I know it was kinda wrong but I can't help it. I would talk to him all the time, I would blush around him, and I would hang out with him a lot. I knew he might not feel the same but I knew it was young love from the start.

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