Love Story

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Ok actually what I said in the A/N was a lie. I literally just thought of a new story. Maybe this book will have 20 chapters. If I actually think of new ideas. If you guys want comment and give me ideas. I could use them. Now on with the story.


Mark's POV

I hate Bob and Wade right now. Why can't they see that I don't want to date anyone right now. After me and my girlfriend broke up I've haven't been wanting to see anyone at the moment. But no. These two idiots had to set me up with some random guy online. They put me on a dating website without my permission. I was currently in my room getting ready. It's wasn't anything bug from what I'm told. All I'm doing is meeting this person at Starbucks, get to know each other, and make my decision. From what they told me it's a boy. I am bisexual. His name is Sean, he's Irish, he's 26, and just moved here to LA. They showed me what he looks like and he actually looks okay. I got downstairs all ready for my date. I had casual clothes. My plain black shirt, my lucky flannel, skinny jeans and red shoes and my hair wasn't too fluffy as usual. "Ready Mark?" Bob asked. "If it doesn't work out with him I'm gonna kill you guys." I said fixing my flannel collar. "Oh please. I'm sure it'll go great." Wade said. I gave him a death glare which frightens him all the time. "Just relax and be yourself." Bob said. "Ok fine. See ya." I said walking out the front door.

Starbucks wasn't far, it's only like a 2 blocks away from my house. So I walked. I had my phone, wallet, everything I needed. I got to the Starbucks and I walked in. I looked around and saw him sitting at a table in the back corner. Now that I see him in person he actually looks way cuter. It looked like he was on his phone. I didn't know what to do. I stood at the front door not knowing what to do. Eventually he looked up and saw me. He smiled at me. I walked over to him. "Uhhh hi." I said nervously. "Hey." He said kindly. "So I'm Mark." I said. "Sean. But I'd appreciate it if you would call me Jack." He said in a strong accent. I'm guessing he is Irish. "Jack? How did that name cone from Sean?" I asked laughing at little. He chuckled too. "Lets just say it's a nickname." He said smiling. "Ok." I said chuckling at his cuteness. "So did you order your drink?" I asked trying to strike up conversation. "I was actually waiting for you. I didn't want to order my drink, drink it all and have you come here feeling weirded out by me." He said scratching the back of the neck. "Oh. Sorry. How long were you waiting?" I asked feeling a bit guilty. "About 15, 20 mins." He said. "Oh...sorry." I said. "Don't worry about it. Well we should get our drinks." He said. We waited in line together and ordered our drinks.

When we got them we sat down and just started talking. He doesn't seem so bad actually. He seems perfect. While he was talking I couldn't stop starring at his eyes. Their so blue and very addictive. He noticed me starring. "What are you starring at?" He asked. "Your eyes. Their so blue." I said without thinking. He actually blushed?! "Their not that blue. But thanks." He said smiling. "And your green hair really brings out your eyes." I said kindly. " Thanks Mark. Your actually the nicest person I've met in awhile." He said looking down as he blushed. "Same." I said smiling. He smiled back. The more I think about it the more I want to be with him. Our drinks were finished and it's kinda dark outside. "Well I should go." He said. "I'll walk you home." I said quickly. "Y-you don't have to do that." He said. "I want to." I said. He smiled. "Ok then." He said walking out with me following.

As we were walking we talked. We laughed, and we were just being complete goofballs. After about 30 mins of us walking we got to his house. I walked with him to his front door and we just stood there. "Well...I-I had fun." He said. "Me too." I said. "If you want we can do this again." I said nervously. He smiled widely. "Yeah I'd love too." He said. "C-can I have your number?" I asked. "Sure." He said. I gave him my phone and he put his number in. I smiled. "Thanks again Mark." He said opening his door. "Bye Jack." I said. "Bye Mark." He said about to walk in but he turned around and kissed me on my cheek. He pulled away, walked into his house and closed the door. My cheeks were burning red. He kissed me?!! I smiled as I held my cheek. I can't wait for our next date. And we did have another date.

And another, and another, and another. We dated for about 2 years until I asked him to marry me. I was surprised when I heard him say yes. We didn't have a big wedding. Just something simple. I never been so happy. I thought my life was over after I broke up with me old girlfriend, but when came into my life I felt alive again. He's now my everything. My other half, my bestest friend, my special person, my partner, my lover, my husband.

My entire life.

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