The Beauty Boy and the Emo Boy

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Jack's POV

Everytime I see him my heart flutter, everytime I heard his voice I blush, but everytime I see him with his girlfriend I cry. I want him to be with me. But he can't and never will be. He's so perfect. He tan skin, the red fluffy hair, his beautiful smile, and hus actions are what I adore about him. Me. I'm a freak, a boy that everyone calls am emo, the person no one would ever, EVER wanna be friends with.


I saw him again. I made a small grin when I did. He makes me feel alive but I'm feelings were crushed when I saw his girlfriend walk up to him and kiss his cheek. I was at my locker and it was my free period. I felt disappointed. I closed my locker, swung my bag over my shoulder and walked to an empty classroom that no one uses. I go here all the time in my free period. I sat at an empty desk, pulled out my phone and ear buds and started playing my music. The first song that came on was "Stitches" By Shawn Mendes. I didn't know it but I started singing. My mind was focused on my music. My eyes were closed and I was tapping my hand on the desk to the rhythm. The song ended and my Playlist played another song. I only hummed the rest. After awhile I looked at my phone and checked the time. I got out of my seat and the bell rang. I quickly went back to my locker and got my things out with my music still playing. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned, pulled out one ear bud and I saw Mark!? I tried to show no emotions.
"Hey. Your Sean? Right" He asked me.
"Jack." I simply said.
"Oh. Sorry. Anyways what you doing?" He asked.
"Getting my things." I said.
"Oh. Sooo we actually have some classes together. I'm Mark." He said.
I'm starting to get curious on why he's talking to me.
"Why are you talking to me?" I asked.
"You just seem really cool and I was wondering if we can be friends?" He asked shrugging his shoulders.
"You sure?" I asked.
"Yeah." He replied.
"Look not being mean or anything but you don't wanna be around me. Everyone in this school hates me. You shouldn't be any different. I'm that one kid no one ever wants to be friends with, a nobody. So if you don't wanna get teased like I do than its best if you stay away from me. It's for your own good." I said closing my locker and walking away.
"I don't believe any of those rumors. Your not nobody. Your not a bad person. You may look like it but I see light inside you. Your special in your own ways. Like your singing voice is totally different from anyone I've ever heard sing before and-" I cut him off.
"What do you mean my singing voice is better?" I asked him. He kinda blushed.
"W-well during my free period I was walking by an old classroom and heard a singing voice. I saw that it was you and I wanted to get to know you better." He said.
"Really?" I asked him in surprise.
"Yeah." He said.
"If you want I guess but I know for a fact that your friends hate me. I'm not hangout with them." I said.
"That's fine. We can just hangout by ourselves. Here's my number. Text or call me whenever." He said and walking to class. I looked at the paper and saw it had a heart the end of the number. I blushed deep red. Mark Fischbach is my friend. My FIRST friend in years. I put the number in my pocket and the rest of the day my mind was only on Mark.

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