Your eyes

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Mark's POV

There he is. The boy who stole my heart. Also known as Sean McLoughlin or as he likes to be called Jack. I wonder why he always looking down. No one really never seen his face. His green hair kinda blocks put his face. I really want to see what he looks like. And I don't care what he looks like, his actions and his personality is what I love about him. He so shy it's adorable, he his green hair is so bright it's like freshly grown grass in a meadow, and the way he acts is so cute. I wish to get to know him better, he's in at least 4 out 7 of my classes. My math, my science, my language arts, and my band class. I get so close to talking to him but I chicken out. But not today. In our language arts class we have a project due in 3 weeks and I want him to be my partner. But if he can't  then I won't pressure him. I just hope he says yes.

Finally it's language arts class. I got there about 5 minutes early so I could get the chance of getting Jack as my partner. The bell rang and everyone started storming into the class. When Jack came in he of course had his head down. I felt kinda sorry for him. Why does he never look up? I always wonder what his eyes look like. "Hello class. As you know we have our big project to start today. You have to act our a chapter in our book were reading and write an essay on it. You and your partner have 3 weeks to complete it. You may choose your partners and start working." Everyone chose a partner and started working right away and by working they just talked and totally slacked off. I looked over at Jack and he didn't even get up so I walked over to him. "Hey Jack. Wanna be partners?" I asked suddenly. He didn't even look up. He just shook his head yes. I was surprised yet happy he said yes. "You sure? You don't have to if you don't want to." I said thinking he might just be saying that. "N-n-no it's fine." He said surprisingly. "I-I never heard you talk before." I said not thinking about what I said. He just nodded his head. "So about the project wanna come over to my house? If you want to." I said. He nodded his head and right at that moment the bell rang. "See ya Mark." He said walking out of class. I smiled and went to my next class. Now only one more period left and then Jack will be at house.

When school ended I waited outside for Jack. When he walked out I went towards him. "Hey Jack. Ready to go to my house?" I asked him. He nodded his head. "Come on. We can drive there. I have my own car." I said. He followed me to my car and we drive to my house. When we arrived my parents weren't home. So it's just me and Jack. I took him inside and into my room. "So what chapter do you want to work on?" I asked. "I-I really don't want to do the assignment." He said softly. "Why?" I asked. "Cause I'm too shy." He said looking down. "Will think of something." I said kindly. "Why are you so nice to me?" He asked soft again. I could heard something different in his voice I just can't make it out. "Cause I've always wanted to be your friend." I said. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah. But I have to ask, why do you always look down and have your hair covering up your face?" I asked. He tensed up at my question. "C-cause I look ugly. I've been told that all my life. I never liked the way I looked." He said digging his chin into his shoulder and I heard quiet sobbing. "Jack I don't know why anyone would do that to you? You seem.... intresting to me." I said blushing a bit. I could tell he was smiling. "Really?" He said. "Yeah. I just letting you know I'll never make fun of you. I hope we can be friends." I said. "Thanks Mark. I would love to be friends I wanted to get to know you better before but I never had the courage." He said. "Mark if I show you what I look like will you be by my side all the time?" He asked. "Of course. And I'll protect you no matter what." I said smiling and blushing. He took a deep breath and looked up at me. He moved his hair out of his face and showed me what he looked like. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. His entire face was gorgeous. I just stared at him in amazement. "I'm ugly aren't I?" He asked looking down. "No no. Y-you actually look..... cute." I said blushing. He started blushing too. "R-really?" He asked. "Sure. Your eyes are not like any other eyes I've seen. It makes you look adorable." I said. He smiled at me. "Thanks Mark. That means a lot to me." He said. His hand was resting on the bed as he seems to be lost in thought. Without being able to control myself I grabbed his hand. He looked at me and blushed. I did as well. He looked at me and I looked at him. I grabbed both his hands and he started leaning in towards me. I did the same. We were incredibly close to each other. Our lips weren't far apart. But Jack leaned in closet and landed his lips on mine. A wave of emotions crashed and my heart was beating fast. I never thought this would come. I kissed his back with a bit more force. This felt amazing. We eventually pulled away and he still had his eyes closed. He looked down while blushing. "You ok?" I asked. "S-sorry." He said. "It's totally fine. To be honest I've always wanted that to happen. I know we just officially met but I've had a crush on you for like the entire year." I said holding his hand again. "Me too Mark." He said. "Wanna go on a date Friday night?" I asked him. "S-sure." He stuttered. I pulled his hand up to my mouth and kissed it. He giggled and I let out a few chuckles. I then pulled him towards me and hugged him. Thus all happened cause I fell in love with this blue eyed boy that stole my heart.

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