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Jack's POV

I love friend hangouts. Me, Mark, Ken, Felix, Bob and Wade are all hanging out at Felix's new place in LA. He moved to the U.S a little after I did. We came to live here cause of our own reasons. My was cause of Mark. I kinda have a crush on him ever since we meet. He's been by my side through every thing I've done. I've done the same to him. Felix's reason is because he and Marzia wanted a change of scenery. That's about the only adult move Felix made. And we are just relaxing together cause that day we all helped Felix with unpacking his house while Marzia was putting some other boxes in storage. We were relaxing on the couch and making small conversation. Until Felix had the idea of 'truth or dare'. We all ended up agreeing, don't know why. We just all stayed where we were. The big couch had me, Mark, and Bob. A bean bag was where Felix was. A smaller couch had Ken and Wade. Felix started off. "Wade truth or dare?" He asked. "Dare." Wade said with determination. "I dare you 20 pushes ups." He said. Wade was kinda weak. This should be intresting. He sighed in defeat and started doing pushing. He was really good for the first five after that he couldn't get off the floor. It was so hilarious to watch. We all were cracking up. Ken was up next after Felix. It went Felix, Ken, Wade, Me, Mark, Bob and Felix again. It went around in that order for about and hour. After it was my turn for about the 30th round I got up to use the bathroom. I washed my face to cool me down. I was blushing a lot since I'm sitting next to Mark. God I wish I knew if he feels the same way. But he probably isn't even gay or bisexual for that matter. But one can only hope. I dried my face and walked back out to the living room. As I was walking down the hall I heard Felix asked Mark "truth or dare" and he asked with dare. Felix then asked if he had a crush on me?! I mean Felix is a Septiplier fan and he does ship us. I walked in the living room as Mark was yelling. "NO! I don't like Jack ok?! Enough with the Septiplier STUFF! HE IS AND NEVER WILL BE MY BOYFRIEND!! WHO WOULD WANT TO DATE HIM ANYWAYS! HE'S SUPER ANNOYING! SO STOP WITH THE SEPTIPLIER. SEPTIPLIER IS DEAD!! He yelled at Felix. I was just standing at the entrance to the living room in shock and in heart break. All the guys had surprised and shocked faces on. Tears were rolling down my face. "Wow Mark." Bob said. "WHAT?!" He asked angerly. Bob pointed at me standing in the living room. Mark turned to look at me and saw me as a heart broken wreak. Mark then realized what he did and started walking over to me. I cried as I went for the front door. He never cared about. Our friendship meant nothing to him. My hand was on the door knob but Mark grabbed my wrist. "Jack I-I didn't mean it. Felix just-" "Don't lie to Mark. You obviously meant every word you said! You never cared! You said that I'm annoying!!" I yelled as I cried. "I-I didn't expect you to hear. Jack were friends. Please. I didn't mean it." He begged. "Were no longer friends Mark. You hate me and I'll never forgive you. But just remember this-" I said pulling my wrist from his grasp."I've had a crush on you ever since we met. You hate me and I love you. Our friendship is gone Mark. Don't ever talk to me again." I said as I sobbed and walked out the door and ran to my house. Why? Why couldn't he see that I had feelings for him? He hates me. But I love him. I got to my house, ran upstairs, got my pj's on and layed in bed. I pulled out my laptop and looked through somethings. Calls and texts from Mark wouldn't stop appearing on my phone. I shut it off and went to bed. I love you Mark but he doesn't feel the same. I closed my eyes as my cheeks were stained with tears. Why? Was all I asked myself that night.

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