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Jack's POV

After I finish recording my videos for the day I just lied down on the bed. I couldn't really do anything else until later tonight. I sat up on my bed and went on my phone. I scrolled through Twitter, replied some tweets, and looked over Instagram. I was still bored. I went to my apps and played some games. I also got bored of that. Then I went on Wattpad. Don't ask why I have this on my phone. I really don't know. I looked through it and I typed my name 'Jacksepticeye' in the search bar and a bunch of books popped up. One caught my eye. It was a Septiplier book. Is it wrong for me to read this? I mean it's about me and Mark liking each other. I know Mark doesn't really like the ship between us. For me it's doesn't bother me, I'm fine with it. So I clicked on the book and started reading. It was a great book so far. For about 2 hours and 1/2 I've been reading this one fanfiction and I kinda liked it. I finished the book and I was so into fanfics that I searched up 'Septiplier' and started reading some books. Some short, some long, and some about a good amount.  The more I read the fanfics, the more I felt my heart beat fast. Whenever I heard or read the name 'Mark' I felt warm and fuzzy inside. I continued to read fanfics until my phone ranged in my hand and while I was reading a book. I looked at the caller ID and it was Mark. My face turned deep red. I kinda got more nervous like this before. I let out a sigh and answered the phone.

(Bold- Jack  Underline- Mark)

Hey Jack.
Oh hey Mark. What's up?
Just wanted to talk. So what you up to?
Oh uhhhhh nothing really. I'm just bored.
Oh ok.
So how's are things?
Good actually.
Oh ok.
Hey are you ok? You seem distracted.
What oh no no I-Im fine.
Yeah I'm fine. J-just tired.
Ok I know that's a lie. You can tell me.
Uhhhh...I-I gotta go.

I hung up the phone and set it down. I got really nervous. What if he suspect something? I mean Mark's a great friend, but after reading the fanfics I'm starting to think of him as more than a friend. I know it's wrong but now that I think about it Mark is actually cute. Maybe more. But the bad things is that Mark doesn't really like the whole Septiplier ship. He feels uncomfortable and I don't want him to feel like that. I guess I have to keep it a secret.

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