Ice Skater

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Jack's POV

Living alone has some good things. Alone describes me well. I never really focus on friends. I focus on my favorite hobby; ice skating. Call me whatever you want I don't care. I've been skating since I was 6 years old. So 10 years I've been doing this. And no one's knows. If they did I could be ruin. Everyday after school on go the nearest ice rink. And luckily the place is empty so I'm by myself.

When the final bell rang I rushed out to my locker. I put my things I didn't need in there and pulled out a smaller backpack that has my skates in it. So I had my school bag and my skating bag. I was in such a rush to get out of the school that I ran into a boy. I picked myself off the ground I saw I ran into Mark Fischbach. He's the "face of the school" as people would say. "S-sorry Mark." I said quickly. "It fine." He said. I didn't know what to do so i and ran to the exit of the school. That was so embarrassing. I didn't want him talking to a guy like me. I sighed and started walking to the ice rink. It was about a 20 min walk from the school but it's worth it. When I got to the rink it was empty once again. I walked in and saw Nathan. He always let's me into the rink since I'm the only one that comes here. "Hey Nathan." I said. "Hey Jack. The doors open." He said. "Thanks." I thanked him. I walked into the skating rink. I walked over to a bench and put on my skates. I got on to the ice and did a few laps to warm up. After that I spend about 3 hours at the rink. I put on my normal shoes and walked out. My house wasn't very far. When I got home I did my homework.  After I finish I was putting my skates away when I heard the doorbell go off. I walked to the door and answered it. On the other side of the door was Mark Fischbach!!! "Hey." He said kindly. "Uhhh hi. W-what are you doing here?" I asked. "When we ran into each other at school you dropped your science book. And since we have the same science teacher and we have the big project to complete I thought you might need it." He said. "Oh uhh thanks." I said taking the book. I actually couldn't do my science homework, so that's good. "Thanks Mark." I said closing the door. "Wait." He said as I stopped the door. "I...I saw you ice skating today. Your amazing." He said. My face dropped. He saw me skating?! Oh god this is bad. "Y-you did?" I stuttered. "Yeah. Your really good. I've never seen anyone skate like that." He said. "Thanks Mark. Well see ya." I said. "Actually I wanted to talk to you about something as well." He said smiling nervously. I looked down and opened the door wider. He stepped in a looked at my house. "Where's your parents?" He asked. "I live alone." He said closing the door. "Really? That must be cool." He said. "I guess. So what did you want to talk about?" I asked. "I saw how you looked when I said I saw you skating. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings or anything." He said. "N-no you didn't. Your just the first person to say that. No one knows that I skate." I said. "How long have you been skating?" He asked. "10 years. It calms me." I said. "10 years?!! That really cool." He said. "Thanks. No one's ever been this nice to me." I said looking down. "Well if you want I can drive you to the rink everyday after school. I know it's a 20 min walk and I'm juts being nice." He said. I kinda blushed. "Really? You don't have to do that." I said. "Come on. It's the less I can do. And if you want we can hang out at school. You seem interesting." He said. That made me blush even more. "You really want to hang out with me?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. "S-sure I guess that will be fine." I said smiling. He smiled wider. "Great. Soo umm..." He said scratching the back of his neck. Why is he so nervous? "Give me your phone. I'll put my number in." I asked. He pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I put in my number and handed back to him. "Thanks Jack. Uhhhh..." He said nervously again. "Mark are you ok?" I asked him. "Uhhh." He took a deep breath and leaned over to me and kissed my cheek. My whole face turned red. I froze. He pulled away quickly and blushed more than I did. "S-sorry." He said nervously. "I-Its fine. No big deal." I said. "Well bye I guess." He said as we both walked to the door. I opened the door for him and he walked out. He stopped at the door and turned to me. "Bye." He said looking at me. I took this opportunity to return the kiss. I stood on my toes and gave him a kiss on the lips. He was in shock I could tell. I pulled away from him. "Bye." I simply said closing the door. I couldn't stop blushing. Does really he like me? Cause I really like him."

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