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Mark's POV

I was waiting by the entrance of the school for my bestest friend and my biggest crush Jack. He hasn't been to school for about a week and I'm kinda nervous. I tried calling and texting him but no response. It was 7:50 and school starts at 8. I've been waiting for 15 maybe 20 mins for him. Finally I saw his car pull up to the school and he got out. I smiled at the sight of him. "Hey Jack." I said. He walked past me and ignored my comment. I got a little worried. I ran up to him. "Jack what's wrong? You ok?" I asked with concern. He frowned and walked faster. He took a turn into a classroom which was his first period. He's starting to worry me. He never acts like this. He's always so happy and energetic. Nows he quiet and sad. Since we didn't have the same first period together I went to my class. I want to talk to him at lunch. I'm gonna find out what wrong with my Jackaboy.

Through the first 3 periods I thought about Jack. He's my best friend and I'm his. We never kept secrets from each other. We tell each other everything, so why is he acting like this now? I walked into the cafeteria and saw all my other friends sitting at out original table, while I saw Jack sitting at an empty table by himself. He had nothing with him. All he was doing was doing class work or something. I walked over to him and sat down. He took one look at me, frowned and got up. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the cafeteria to the empty halls. "Jack what is your problem? Why are you ignoring everyone?" I asked him harshly. He looked down and frown. "Jack please tell me. I'm so worried about you." I said more calmly. He looked up and took a deep breath and smiled. I gasped at what I saw. "I got braces." He said. "Why would you keep this from me?" I asked. "Cause some people made fun of me with braces. I-I thought you would do the same." He said sadly. "Jack I would never make fun of you. Were best friends. And just because I love you with all my heart we will always be friends." I said without thinking about what I said. He looked at me in shock. "Oh s-sorry Jack. I-I... I don't know what came over-" He cut me off by kissing me softly. He may have braces but his lips on mine feel amazing. We stood there in the hallway kissing each other till the lunch bell rang. We pulled away and we're blushing. "Lets go to class." I said. He smiled and nodded. I grabbed his hand and we walked to class hand and hand.

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