First Date

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Mark's POV

Why am I so nervous? It's just a date. But it's a different kind of date. Why did I even ask him? He could of said no but he said yes. Why though? I got rid of my thoughs and brushed out my fluffy of my eyes. I fixed the collar on my flannel, grabbed my phone and stuff and left the house. I was meeting him at a cafe where me and him met. It wasn't far away so I walked. When I got to the cafe he was already there, playing on his phone. I took a deep breath and walked over to him. "Hey Jack." I said. "Oh hey Mark." He said in his adorable accent. I sat down across from him and smiled. "So how are things?" He asked. "Great. You look amazing." I said. He blushed at my complement. "Thanks. You look better than I do." He said smiling. A waiter came to our table and took our orders. When she left I didn't know what to say to him. "So....." He said nervously. "Yeah...." I said. Then I asked him something. "Jack why did you say yes to me when I asked you out?" He looked at me in confusion. "That's easy. I've liked you for a long time. When you asked me if couldn't turn it down. You have no idea how long I've waited for something like this to happen." He said smiling at me. I smiled back. "Really? How long have you liked me?" I asked. "Ever since we met. You were always on my mind. Your gorgeous brown eyes, you fluffy red hair, your amazing smile, are all things I like about you." He said. "Thanks Jack. That means a lot. And to be honest I've started liking  you a few months after we met. I like that you have such incredible eyes that I could stare at forever, you bright green hair totally brings out your eyes, and everytime you talk I hear your adorable accent." I said truthfully. He smiled and blushed. Our food came out and we ate and started talking to each other. Having funny conversations and knowing more about each other. We finished our food, I paid and we started walking to his house. I wanted to walk with him so he can get home safely. We finally got to his house. "Thanks Mark for tonight. I had a great time." He said. "Yeah me too. Maybe we can do it again sometime?" I said. He smiled. "I'd love too." He said opening his front door. "Bye Jack." I said. He walked to me and places his lips on my really quickly. I was surprised by this but I immediately kissed back. The feeling of his lips on mine was perfect. He pulled away and walked back inside. Before he closed the door he turned to me. "Good night Mark." He smiled and closed his door. The entire walk home all I could think about was 'what could I do for our next date?'

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